lucky draw

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1 collaborator

Default-person Brian Chih (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 6.4.0 • Viewed 47 times • Downloaded 1 time • Run 0 times
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globals [tickets winners]

to setup


  set tickets [] ; 初始化籤的列表

  set winners [] ; 初始化中獎者號碼的列表

  let total-tickets number-of-tickets ; 從使用者那裡獲取總籤數

  ; 生成一個從1到total-tickets的數字列表

  repeat total-tickets [

    set tickets lput total-tickets tickets

    set total-tickets total-tickets - 1


  output-print (word "There are total " length tickets " lucky numbers.")

to draw

  ifelse (length tickets > 0) [

    ; 隨機選擇一個籤並從列表中移除

    let drawn one-of tickets

    set tickets remove-item (position drawn tickets) tickets

    set winners lput drawn winners

    output-print (word "The lucky winner is: " drawn)

  ] [

    output-print "All the numbers are drawn."


;to-report number-of-tickets
;  ; 這裡假設你有一個介面元素讓使用者輸入總籤數
;  report user-input "請輸入總共有多少個籤:"

There is only one version of this model, created 7 months ago by Brian Chih.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
lucky draw.png preview Preview for 'lucky draw' 7 months ago, by Brian Chih Download

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