Ground Water Recharge by Vetiver Hedgerow
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; Vetiver hedgerow Model ; Version 1.0.0 Date 28 Aug 2011 ; created for netlogo 4.1.3 by Vinod Kumar, C-DAC Mumbai, India ; transitioned to netlogo 5.0.5 of 19 Dec 2013 ; ; vim settings ; set ts=2 ; set ai ; versions ; avetqtoh0d4.nlogo.14sep2011 model with surface runoff reasonably ok. ; now try diffusion and then preferential flow from Nimmo ; avetqtoh0d4.nlogo.sep182215 ; routines to relate water content (theta), suction (psi) and Hydraulic ; conductivity (KTheta) for walla walla ; avet.nlogo.20sep1040 colors for patches cleaned up; surface patch blackening ; removed. routine for d theta/ d psi added. Diffusion ; not added ;avet.nlogo.26sep1730 with moisture transport by darcy's modulated by ; available water content and moisture equalization ; fingers, patches of low and high moisture occur ; ;avet.nlogo.27sep1231 attempt to set constant qi by computing new theta from ; old values of other parameters and the new qi. The idea ; is to adapt the steady state flux equation to ; slowly varying inputs. But in the running it seems to ; generate bands and patches of high saturation. screenshot ; seen in avet.nlogo.27sep1231.jpg ; the solution is highly unstable. when the theta ; exceeds some value, the outflow computed is so high that the theta ; becomes negative and common sense brings it back to residual moisture. ; thus the scheme working with psi values is unstable. so work with ; theta and D(theta). ; ; avet.nlogo.29sep2400 darcy-buckingham with qi equated to ; qo + moisture increase. plot of moisture vs depth. ; in 60 mins the moisture diffused around 12 cms. According to ; Ks (345.6 mm/day = 1.44 cm/hour) this is about 10 times. ; Probably the Diffusion and matric suction are the cause. ; avet.nlogo.4oct2300 ; root is actually a cylinder with thin surface film flow. ; assume RLD =2e5 m^-2, R = .33 mm uniform film thickness and measured ; max velocity =0.15 e-3 m/s. film thickness hu = 5.516 e-6 m ; and qcyl = 0.2306 e-6 m^3/s ; If the cylindir surface is assumed flat ; fad = RLD*2pi*R = 414.678 m^-2. assume standard vulu 5.51599 e-10 m^2/s ; qflat = 0.2294 e-6 m^3/s ; Use flatttened surface model instead of cylindrical surface ; ; Assume the water table to be far below and our volume of interest ; to be sufficiently above it. So we assume that any inflow ; downward to the last layer will move downward into the nether ; regions as is whereis. This is similar to the assumption made ; on the surface where the outflow from the last patch on the right ; is assumed to vanish into the unknown. ; The water crossing the last layer at bottom is to be monitored ; and indicates how effective vetiver hedgerows and their roots ; affect the water recharge ; This simplifies the flow processes. We can move from input to output ; for diffusion and surface flow without worry about any backlash. ; However for the preferential flow, we still have to consider ; saturation at the bottom of the root zone and subsequent backlash. ; as a first step, assume root zone to extend to lowermost patch ; so that backlash is avoided even for preferential flow. ; ; avet.nlogo.4oct1700 ; preferential flow working. But no graphs. no coupling between ; two domains ; avet.nlogo.5oct20111800 ; preferential flow metered and graphed. preferential flow ; about 13.8 times more intense than diffuse flow ; After 70 mins, 63.6 cm^2 of water diffused over 40 cm wide area. ; Height 1.59 cm in 70 mins = 32 cm/day= 0.022714 cm/min ; and 44 cm^2 of water filmed over 2.4 cm of vetiver width. ; Height of water through film = 18.33 cms in 70 mins ; = 0.2619 cm/min film flow/diffuse flow = 13.8365 ; film flow rate = 2.76 mm/min leads to 19.32 cm in 70 mins. ; (ok 18.33 cms mesured) ; diffuse flow rate = 0.23 mm/min = 1.61 cm in 70 mins ; ok. Measured 1.59 cms after 70 mins diffuse 63.6 cm^2, film 44 cm^2 ; avet.nlogo.6oct20111815 ; serious doubts about surface flow. this version is with old scheme. ; the problems listed in modelGWRabstract.odt. now modify in light of ; moisture and film flow experience ; avet.nlogo.7oct20111035 ; zeroRef drain introduced to simplify diffuse and preferential flow ; and to take care of surface water level, especially behind the hedgerow ; surface flow corrected but still not certain. surface water height ; taken into consideration but no observable effect on diffused ; water but effect on KTheta observable. ; vetiver hedgerow density can now be changed and its effect on ; water height at vetiver and the backwater is visible. ; avet.nlogo.7oct20111700 ; be convinced about the correct handling of qi, height h for surface flow ; avet.8oct20111000.nlogo ; avet before adding meters for water balance, removal of rain ; over area of interest (rain only in hinterland) and ; reduction of hinterland to area of interest to study ; water balance when the rain roughly matches the infiltration ; avet.8oct20111600.nlogo ; first remove rain from area of interest. rain only in hinterland ; avet9oct0040.nlogo ; quantities like totalrain, surface runout expressed as cm^2 ; still rain cannot balance with s+so+d+f which should have ; mismatch and loss due to 1)initial transients and transients due to ; variation in rain. Reduced variation from 10% to 2% ; ; avet9oct1530.nlogo ; Rationalized graphs for flows and moisture contents. ; Enabled cleaning the slate for continueing simulation after ; transients have died down. For this, release go, press cleanSlate. ; Then the simulation restarts with meters reset, but moisture contents ; and levels are steady. The world can then be saved and reused for ; other simulations . ; avet10oct0030.nlogo ; water height at vetiver for low heights taken care off. ; area reduction included in Rv calculation. ; avet.10oct0030.hinterland1m.nlogo ; roughly match input to diffusive and film flow so that their ; effects can be compared. Otherwise almost 100 % of the input ; just ran out at the surface ; ; ; problems. total water flowed surfaceout 90.2 % Diffusein 54 % ; filmin 11.7 %. Cannot be. Check whether diffusein and filmin ; are overstated 10 times ; 1 cm/hr over 1 m will lead to 1.6667 cm^2 per min ; or 233.33 cm^2 in 140 mins ; but diffused is 131 cm^2 filmed is 29 cm^2 and surface out 220.82 cm^2 ; totalrain 243.39 cm^2. (about 5% above. why?) ; inflow 0.06958 (max 0.0701, min 0.06875) ok. at inlet ; outflow at right (0.068699) ; Check diffused. at patch 75,58 h =9.202e-5 m = 0.009201 cm ; Kseffective Ks = 0.0004 cm/s. ; qit=ks ; diffu=qit*4*.4 per patch [cm/s * 4 s* .4 cm = cm^2] per patch ; diffu ; .00064000000000000000 cm^2 in 4 secs per patch ; diffu*100*140*60/4 cm^2/patch * 100 pactches * 140 * 60 secs/ 4 secs ; 134.400 cm^2 in 140 mins over the full field (compares well with 131 cm^2) ; check whether diffusion is not subtracted from input before output is set ; Problem is that the surface flow is Q driven and hence the diffusion ; should subtract from the inflow not h ; ; avet.11oct0800.nlogo ; many water balances resolved. interface rationalized. hinterland slider. ; many csvs based on this. ; ; avet.16oct2400.nlogo ; version with uncontrollable vetiver root length density Lv. most of the ; csvs are built using this version. Later versions have switch ; for varying Lv and procedure called from Go to scan the switch and set ; variables. Such dynamic change cannot happen for Slope as the dimensions ; and patches change with it. The update can also handle vetiver hedgerow ; geometry change N_vs within the update routine instead of within ; the surface runoff as it is now. ; avet.nlogo ; for vetiver hedgerow Rv calculation there was a constant D that was ; set only in initailly (setup). Now do it in lookAtSwitches D that was ; set only in initailly (setup). Now do it in lookAtSwitches. ; May have to rerun many csvs? ; -------------------------------------------------------------- ; sizing of the simulation ; assume newtonian mechanics of frictionless balls falling ; on inclined plane of slope theta. from energy considerations ; vn = sqrt (g l tan(theta)) where l is the horizontal distance ; find velocity at 3/4 l where l is the horizontal length. ; and assume that the ball should still be within l with that velocity ; this gives l = 12 delT**2 g tan(theta) ; for tan theta = 1/3 and deltaT = 1 s, l = 39 m ; for tan theta = 1 and deltaT =1, l = 120 m ; so assume 120 m, deltaT = 1.0 ; then tan theta 6/120 and l becomes 5.88 theta around 3 degree ; so assume l = 60 m h = 6 m and max 1/10 slope ; globals [ ; for preferential flow as thin film on vetiver root surface ; assume location independent ;Lv ; root length density m^-2. depends on location rootR ; root radius m Vu ; max avg film flow velocity m/s VuMax ; max film flow velocity m/s HuC ; film thickness on root cylinder m rhc ; radius of root and fill m HuF ; film thickness on flat surface m = Lu VuHuC ; of cyl thin film flow m^2/s(water VuHuF ; of flat thin film flow m^2/s(water) fad ; facial area density m^-1 thetaRoots ; volume of roots in 1 m^3 [m^3 m^-3] thetaFilmMax ; max volume of film water +root per unit vol (m^3 m^-3) thetaSatWithRoots ; thetas - thetaFilmMax [m^3 m^-3] qFilmMax ; m s-1 ; Field Cross section dimensions in m ;hinterland ; m cswidth csheight ; width and height of cross section in m pDimen ; patch measures pDimen m X pDimen m pDcm ; pDimen inn cm horizonL ; land horizon at left ;slpAngle ; slope down to right in degrees mSlope ; tan (slpAngle) v1 ; velocity from patch to patch+1 m/s ; horizonY = horizonL - mSlope*X noVetiverRootsHere ; no vetiver roots here at the bottom of cross section zeroRef ; top of drain. Pressure here is air pressure. drainPatches ; ;rainfallIntensity ; cm/hour ; colors of various patches vetiverRootPColor diffusiveSoilPColor vetiverShootPColor surfacePColor infoPColor aakaashPColor topPColor drainColor rainFallsHerePS ; agentSet of patches. when 'rain drops keep falling ; on my head, therainFallsHere is head. patchSetWithDiffusion ; agentset of patches where diffusion takes place ; includes patches under vetiver patchSetWithFilmFlow ; agentset of patches where Film flow takes place surfPatchInfoRow ; the 0 row contains info about the rainFallsHerePS ;tickTime ; s ; simulateDuration; mins simulatedTime; mins ; surfaceRun ; switch on surfaceRun ; mannings formula ; avg velocity v = (kn / n) R ^ (2/3) S ^ (1/2) kn ; 1.0 in SI units n ; manning coeff g ; acceleration gravity m/s**2 D ; stands for Kn/n sqrt(mSlope) (1 - 2 * vetiverpm * rootR) ; vars for backwater for vetiver hedgerow ; vetiver hedge is modeled as a vertical plane on line at vetiverXPos ; the hedgeWidth comes before the line hedgeWidth ; m vetiverXPos ; m vetiver hedge here vetLpxcor ; vetRpxcor ; deadHeight ; m th econceptual dead water height at the vetiver hedge ; = Hv - H. (Hv height with modified R due to vetiver ; H height at vetiver with old R. ; With vetiver ; R at vetiver hedge = 1/2i m . ; i vetiver tillers/m ; without vetiver ; R =H the height of water without vetiver backwaterLength ; m = deadHeight/sin(slpAngle) . backwaterStartPos ; m ; within the backwaterLength at x from the start f backwater ; height = height from manning equation + dead water height ; = meadHeight*x/backwaterLength ; ; vetiverpm ; slider vetiver tillers per m length of hedgerow hv ; height of water at hedgerow m Rv ; manning radius for hedge 1/(2 vetiverpm) metres vetiverShootRadius ; m ; vars for soil parameters thetas ; saturated water content m^3 m^-3 = porosity thetaResidual ; residual moisture psid ; owen dry suction; head units; cm of water Ks ; saturated hydraulic conductivity cm/s c ; parameter of Rossi-Nimmo 3 parameter sum model alpha ; parameter of Rossi-Nimmo 3 parameter sum model psii ; cm parameter of Rossi-Nimmo 3 parameter sum model psio ; cm parameter of Rossi-Nimmo 3 parameter sum model lamda ; parameter of Rossi-Nimmo 3 parameter sum model powerLaw ; component of theta from power law in th emid region logLaw ; component of theta from log law in the low theta region parabolaLaw ; component of theta from parabola law in the saturated ; end vars for soil parameters ; vars for plots totalRain ; cm^2 monitored at field input totalSurfaceWater ; cm ^2 soilMoisture ; cm^2 filmMoisture ; cm^2 surfaceRunout ; cm^2 diffusedWater ; cm^2 filmedWater ; cm^2 filmRunout ; cm^s waterLevelBeforeVetiver ; cm waterLevelAfterVetiver ; cm waterLevelAtVetiver ; cm leftPatchForPlot ; rightPatchForPlot ; plotAt; tick at which to plot bigBang ; the time at which the world starts ; simulatedTime; mins ] patches-own [ ; for preferential flow as thin film on vetiver root surface qipref ; inflow head units cm/s qopref ; outflow head units cm/s thetapref ; volumetric water content aaf ; active area fraction surfacepYcor ; the pycor of the surface stored in row 0 qi ; input flow to patch in cm of water at begin of tick qo ; output flow from the patch at the end of the tick. input ; to next patch at the next instant ; diffuse flow parameters for below surface patches thetaDifus ; volumetric water content m^3/m^3 theta1Dash ; thetaRatio ; theta/thetas psiPatch ; head units cm of water. = -suction. matric potential transWater ; water in head units cm to be moved down z ; depth cm below surface level KTheta ; unsat hydraulic conductivity in head units cm/s KThetaFactor; to take care of water level above ground dThetaBydPsi ; in head units 1/cm DTheta ; diffusivity in head units cm^2/s ; end diffuse flow parameters for below surface patches ; surface flow parameters waterInPatch ; water cm in each patch. filled and water gets higher. hm ; m normal manning height of water depends only on slope and roughness h ; surface water height in m. hprev ; surface water in m at prev tick v ; velocity of water col m/s runoff ; in terms of cm per tickTime ;surfacepYcor ; the pycor of the surface stored in row 0 originalColor ; setup initializes inFlow ; cm/s outFlow of up patch in previous instant. For first flow ; from hinterland outFlow ; cm/s outFlow = inFlow - change in storage ; end surface flow parameters ] ; routines for soil states ; to-report KThetaRatioMethod2 [ thetah ] ; to-report thetaRatioToPsi [thetaRatio] ; to-report psiToThetaRatio [ psi ] ; to-report dThetaRatioBydPsi [ psi ] ; to-report DThetaReporter [ thetah ] to setup ;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features, ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end ;; of the procedure.) __clear-all-and-reset-ticks init-soil-params; ; colors of various patches set vetiverRootPColor (yellow + 1) set diffusiveSoilPColor (brown + 1) set surfacePColor (brown + 2) set vetiverShootPColor (green - 2) set infoPColor (magenta) set aakaashPColor (gray) set topPColor (gray - 1) set drainColor sky ; ground cross section paramaters set hinterland 1 ; m set cswidth .4 ;m ;set csheight 12 ; m ;set pDimen 0.5 ; m set vetiverXPos (cswidth * 3 / 4) ; m set backwaterStartPos vetiverXPos set noVetiverRootsHere .04 ; m set zeroRef noVetiverRootsHere ;m Pressure here is air pressure. ; set slpAngle 30 ; slider slope down to right in degrees set mSlope tan slpAngle set hedgeWidth 0.02 ; m ;set max-pxcor cswidth / pDimen ;set max-pycor csheight / pDimen set pDimen cswidth / (max-pxcor + 1 ) set pDcm pDimen * 100 ; cm set csheight pDimen * (max-pycor + 1) set horizonL csheight - 0.04 ; m ;set rainfallIntensity 20 ; slider cm/hour ; set tickTime 1 ; sec slider ;set simulateDuration 20 ; mins set surfaceRun true ; switch on surfaceRun ; for checking water balance the quantities will be measured as cm*cm ; totalRain is the only source of water and it will be shown as 100 % ; all other water contents will be expressed and shown as % of totalRain set totalRain 10 ; cm^2 should be ideally 0 but then at time 0 div by 0 set totalSurfaceWater 0 ; cm ^2 set soilMoisture 0 ; cm ^2 set filmMoisture 0 ; cm ^2 set surfaceRunout 0 set filmRunout 0 set v1 pDimen / tickTime ; m/s set diffusedWater 0.0; set filmedWater 0.0; ; for preferential flow as thin film on vetiver root surface ;set Lv 0 ; 2.0e5 ; root length density m^-2 set rootR 0.33e-3 ; root radius m set Vu 1.0e-4 ; max avg film flow velocity m/s set VuMax 1.5e-4 ; max film veleocity m/s set HuC 100e-6 ; 5.51599e-6 ; film thickness on root cylinder m set rhc rootR + HuC ; set HuF 5.530957e-6 ; film thickness on flat surface m = Lu set VuHuC 150e-10 ; 5.51599e-10 ; of cyl thin film flow m^2/s(water) set VuHuF 5.530957e-10 ; of flat thin film flow m^2/s(water) set fad (Lv * 2 * pi * rootR) ; facial area density m^-1 set thetaRoots (Lv * pi * rootR * rootR) set thetaFilmMax (Lv * pi * rhc * rhc) ;(fad * HuF) set thetaSatWithRoots (thetas - thetaFilmMax) set qFilmMax (thetaFilmMax - thetaRoots) * VuMax ;Lv * pi * (rhc * rhc - rootR * rootR) * VuMax; ; avg velocity v = (kn / n) R ^ (2/3) S ^ (1/2) ; from The Engineering ToolBox ; ; Manning's Formula for Gravity Flow ; Manning's equation for calculating gravity flow in open channels ; ; Manning's Roughness Coefficient ; Manning's roughness coefficient values for some common materials set kn 1 ; 1.0 in SI units set n 0.035 ; manning coeff for flood plains (pasteur, farmland) ; or Earth channel (stony, cobbles) set g 9.81 ; acceleration gravity m/s**2 set vetiverShootRadius (1.2 / 1000) ;1.2 mm radius for each shoot ;set Rv (0.5 / vetiverpm - vetiverShootRadius) ; manning radius for hedge set D (Kn / n * (sqrt mSlope) * (1 - 2 * vetiverpm * rootR)) set-default-shape turtles "square" set vetRpxcor ( floor (vetiverXPos / pDimen)) set vetLpxcor ( floor ((vetiverXPos - hedgeWidth) / pDimen)) set hedgeWidth ((vetRpxcor - vetLpxcor + 1) * pDimen ) set leftPatchForPlot vetLpxcor - 40 set rightPatchForPlot vetRpxcor + 10 ask patches [ let horY (horizonL - mSlope * pxcor * pDimen ) ; Y = horizonL - mSlope*X let groundSurfaceYcor floor ( horY / pDimen ) if (pycor < groundSurfaceYcor) and (pycor > (noVetiverRootsHere / pDimen) - 1) [ ifelse ( pxcor >= vetLpxcor) and ( pxcor <= vetRpxcor) and (pycor > (noVetiverRootsHere / pDimen) - 1) [ set pcolor vetiverRootPColor set aaf 1.0 ; 0.8 ; active area fraction ][ set pcolor diffusiveSoilPColor ] ] if (pycor = (noVetiverRootsHere / pDimen) - 1) or (pycor = (noVetiverRootsHere / pDimen) - 2) [ set pcolor drainColor ] if pycor > groundSurfaceYcor [ ifelse (( pxcor >= vetLpxcor) and ( pxcor <= vetRpxcor)) [ set pcolor vetiverShootPColor ][ set pcolor aakaashPColor ] ] if (pycor = groundSurfaceYcor) [ set pcolor surfacePColor ask patch pxcor 0 [ set surfacepYcor groundSurfaceYcor] ] set originalColor pcolor ] set drainPatches patches with [pcolor = drainColor] set rainFallsHerePS patches with [pcolor = surfacePColor] set surfPatchInfoRow patches with [pycor = 0] ask surfPatchInfoRow [ set pcolor infoPColor set originalColor pcolor] set patchSetWithDiffusion (patches with [(pcolor = diffusiveSoilPColor) or (pcolor = vetiverRootPColor)]) set patchSetWithFilmFlow (patches with [pcolor = vetiverRootPColor]) ask patches with [pycor = max-pycor] [set pcolor topPColor] ask patchSetWithDiffusion [ set z (pycor + 0.5) * pDcm set thetaDifus thetaResidual set qi 0.0 set qo 0.0 setOtherDiffusiveParams self ] my-setup-plots my-update-plots set plotAt ((ticks - bigBang) * tickTime) + 60 ; plot at 60 s intervals show word "thetaDifus 0.35 k(theta) should be 59.7588 mm/day. Is " (345.6 * (KThetaRatioMethod2 0.35)) show word "psi 104.6 cm; thetaDifus should be 0.380571 Is " (thetas * (psiToThetaRatio 104.6)) show word "psi 836 cm; thetaDifus should be 0.202975 Is " (thetas * (psiToThetaRatio 836)) show word "psi 836 cm; d thetaDifus / d psi should be -1.88545e-05 . Is " (thetas * (dThetaRatioBydPsi 836)) show word "thetaDifus .3806 psi should be 104.439 cm. Is " (thetaRatioToPsi (0.3806 / thetas)) show word "thetaDifus .3806 D(theta) should be 1.02741 cm^2/s. Is " (DThetaReporter 0.3806) show word "thetaDifus .22 psi should be 609.407 cm. Is " (thetaRatioToPsi (0.22 / thetas)) let vetpmsaved vetiverpm let rootrsaved rootR let dsaved D set vetiverpm 100 set rootR 3.3e-4 set D 7.893229367244781 show word word "water at 100/m vetiver hedge radius 0.33 mm Q 0.00027616 m^3/s" " should be 0.0025207m. Is " heightFromQForVetiverHedge (0.000276160) set D dsaved set rootR rootrsaved set vetiverpm vetpmsaved end to init-soil-params ; for walla walla set thetas 0.39 set thetaResidual 0.04 ; 0.07 set psid 1e7 ; cm of water ;set Ks (345.6 / 1000 / (24 * 60 * 60)) ; from mm d ^-1 to m s^-1 set Ks (345.6 / 10 / (24 * 60 * 60)) ; from mm d ^-1 to cm s^-1 set psii 104.6 ; fitted parameters set psio 35.6 set lamda 0.61 set alpha 0.0399487 ; computed parameter set c 0.00280054 end to setOtherDiffusiveParams [aPatch] ; thetaDifus is known. set others ask aPatch [ ; mainly parameters for eqn [3] nimmo2010 if (thetaDifus < thetaResidual) [ set thetaDifus thetaResidual] if (thetaDifus > thetas) [set thetaDifus thetas] set thetaRatio (thetaDifus / thetas) set psiPatch ( - (thetaRatioToPsi thetaRatio)) set KTheta (KThetaRatioMethod2 thetaDifus) * Ks set DTheta (DThetaReporter thetaDifus) ] end ; Q m^3/s ; reports height m to-report heightFromQForVetiverHedge [ Q ] let h1 0.0 let h2 1.0 if (Q = 0.0) [ report 0.0] set Rv (0.5 / vetiverpm ) let howclose (abs (h1 / h2)) while [(howclose < 0.999) or (howclose > 1.001)] [ set h2 (Q / (D * exp (0.6667 * ln(Rv)))) set h1 (0.5 * (h2 + h1)) set Rv ((h1 * (1 - (2 * rootR * vetiverpm))) ; / (1 + (2 * vetiverpm * (h1 - rootR)))) set howclose (abs (h1 / h2)) ] report h1 end to-report KThetaRatioMethod2 [ thetah ] ; Measured and modeled unsaturated hydraulic conductivity ; C. Chen and WA Payne ; method2 eqn 12 ; returns relative conductivity KTheta/Ks let sx 0 let sx175 0 let sx1b175 0 let ftemp 0 let k 0 set sx ((thetah - thetaResidual) / (thetas - thetaResidual) ) if (sx != 0.0) [ set sx175 exp(1.75 / (1.75 - 1.0) * ln(sx))] if ((1.0 - sx175) != 0.0) [ set sx1b175 exp((1.0 - 1.0 / 1.75) * ln(1.0 - sx175))] set ftemp (1.0 - sx1b175) if (sx != 0.0) [ set k exp(0.555 * ln(sx)) * ftemp * ftemp] report k end ; psi in cm of water (head units) to-report thetaRatioToPsi [thetaRatParam] set powerLaw 0.0 let psipower 0.0 let thetaiRatio 0.0 let psi 0.0 let psitrial 0.0 let thetaRatParamtrial 0.0 set thetaiRatio (psiToThetaRatio psii) ifelse (thetaRatParam >= thetaiRatio)[ set psi (psio * sqrt((1.0 - thetaRatParam) / c)) ][ set psitrial psii set thetaRatParamtrial thetaiRatio while [thetaRatParam < thetaRatParamtrial] [ set psitrial (psitrial * 2) set thetaRatParamtrial (psiToThetaRatio psitrial); ] set psi psitrial while [(abs (thetaRatParam - thetaRatParamtrial)) > 0.00001] [ set powerLaw (powerLaw * thetaRatParam / thetaRatParamtrial) set psipower (psio / (pow (powerLaw + (pow (psio / psid) lamda)) (1.0 / lamda))) set psitrial psipower set psi psipower set thetaRatParamtrial (psiToThetaRatio psitrial); ] ] report psi end to-report pow [x y] let ret 0.0 if (x != 0.0) [ set ret (exp(y * ln (x))) ] report ret end to-report psiToThetaRatio [ psi ] let ftemp 0.0 let thetar 0.0 set powerLaw 0.0 set logLaw 0.0 set parabolaLaw 0.0 ifelse (psi <= psii) [ set ftemp (psi / psio) set parabolaLaw ( 1.0 - (c * ftemp * ftemp) ) set thetar parabolaLaw ][ set powerLaw ( (pow (psio / psi) lamda) - (pow (psio / psid) lamda)) set logLaw ( alpha * ln (psid / psi )) set thetar (powerLaw + logLaw) ] report thetar end to-report dThetaRatioBydPsi [ psi ] let ftemp 0.0 ifelse (psi <= psii) [ set ftemp (-2.0 * c * psi / (psio * psio)) ][ set ftemp (- lamda * (pow psio lamda) / (pow psi (3.0 - lamda)) - (alpha / psi)) ] report ftemp end to-report DThetaReporter [thetah] let dtemp 0.0 let psitemp 0.0 let dthetabydpsitemp 0.0 let kthetatemp 0.0 if (thetah >= thetas) [set thetah (thetas - 0.0001)] set kthetatemp((KThetaRatioMethod2 thetah) * Ks) set psitemp (thetaRatioToPsi (thetah / thetas)) set dthetabydpsitemp (thetas * (dThetaRatioBydPsi psitemp)) if (dthetabydpsitemp != 0.0) [ set dtemp (kthetatemp / (- dthetabydpsitemp)) ] report dtemp end to go lookAtSwitches setInputFromOutputForSurfaceFlow setInputFromOutputForDiffuseFlow setInputFromOutputForFilmFlow surfaceRunoff diffuseMoisture surfaceFilmFlowOnRoots tick showSurfaceWaterLevel showMoistureLevel set simulatedTime simulatedTime + (tickTime / 60) my-update-plots if (simulatedTime > simulateDuration ) [ stop ] end to lookAtSwitches ; mSlope sitch can be handled at setup alone ; look at vetiverpm switch. set D (Kn / n * (sqrt mSlope) * (1 - 2 * vetiverpm * rootR)) ; look at Lv (Root length density) switch set fad (Lv * 2 * pi * rootR) ; facial area density m^-1 set thetaRoots (Lv * pi * rootR * rootR) ;set thetaFilmMax (fad * HuF) ;set thetaSatWithRoots (thetas - thetaRoots) ;set qFilmMax (fad * VuHuF) ; by this we underestimate set thetaFilmMax (Lv * pi * rhc * rhc) ;(fad * HuF) set thetaSatWithRoots (thetas - thetaFilmMax) set qFilmMax (thetaFilmMax - thetaRoots) * VuMax ; m s-1 end ; reset all simulation variables related to plots while retaining ; moisture and water levels obtained after the transient period. ; Idea is to run the simulation for sufficient time so that the ; model is in a steady flow state. Then export the world. Later to ; run another simulation, import the saved world, cleanSlate and go to cleanSlate set totalRain 0 set totalSurfaceWater 0 set soilMoisture 0 set filmMoisture 0 set surfaceRunout 0 set diffusedWater 0 set filmedWater 0 set filmRunout 0 set waterLevelBeforeVetiver 0 set waterLevelAtVetiver 0 set bigBang ticks set simulatedTime 0 set plotAt 0 ;((ticks - bigBang) * tickTime) + 60 ; plot at 60 s intervals clearPlots end to setInputFromOutputForDiffuseFlow ask patchSetWithDiffusion [ let qitemp 0.0 ask patch pxcor (pycor + 1) [ ifelse member? self rainFallsHerePS [ set KThetaFactor ((h * 100) + (pycor * pDcm) - (zeroRef * 100)) / ((pycor * pDcm) - (zeroRef * 100)) let Kseffective (Ks * KThetaFactor) ifelse (Kseffective < inFlow) [ set qitemp Kseffective ][ set qitemp inFlow ] set inFlow (inFlow - qitemp) set diffusedWater (diffusedWater + (qitemp * tickTime * pDcm)) ][ set qitemp qo ] ] set qi qitemp ] end to diffuseMoisture ; diffuse moisture according to unsteady unsaturated flow with ; hydraulic diffusivity (soil-water diffusivity) ; eqns (6) and (7) from [Nimmo] Unsaturated Zone Flow Processes ; diffuse accprding to steady state diffusion model ; eqn [3] in nimmo2010 ; relationship between thetaDifus (of a patch) and outflow in head units ; assume patch with pDcm cm dimension and thetaDifus moisture content; ; assume q cm (head units) of water enters the patch ; thetaDash = thetaDifus + q/pDcm ; similarly if moixture content changes from thetaDifus to thetaDash ; q (water entering in cm of head units) = (thetaDash - theta)* pDcm ; assuming steady state flow ; qi' = qo' = -K(theta) * ((psi2-psi1')/delZ +1) ; assume qi' and psi2 at this t and all others at t-1, solve for psi1' ; new theta1'. then qo' from qi and the water to change theta1 ; 28 sep 2011 ; ; psi is somewhat uncontrollable. better to go with thetaDifus which has ; small range and limits. ; example t1 = .074,kt1 = 8.48817e-15 dt1 = 5.65117e-08 ; t2 = .07 ; patch 1 now gets qi = .0016. ;assume qo = qi and qo is result of diffusion + gravity (prev values) and ; t2. get t1 new and recompute mositure change + outflow ; qi = qo = -Dt1 * (t2 - t1new)/dz + Kt1 ; t1dash=t2 - dz*(kt1-qi)/dt1 ; t1dash computed as 11325 ; -dt1*(t2-t1dash)/dz + kt1 = .0015999999999999999 ; so this scheme does not work ; assume change in moisture content too ; qi = -Dt1(t2-t1dash)/dz + Kt1 + (t1dash - t1)*dz ; t1dash = (qi + dt1*t2/dz -kt1 + t1*dz)/(dt1/dz + dz) ; gives t1dash as .07799999717439477757 ; appears ok. ; so from prev values of D(theta1), theta2, theata1 and K(theta1) ; calculate theta1Dash for all patches and qo ; screenshot in archive/avet.nlogo.29sep1200.jpg ; set soilMoisture 0.0 ask patchSetWithDiffusion [ ; diffusion let surfycor 0 let waterOnSurf 0.0 ; cm ask patch pxcor 0 [set surfycor surfacepYcor] ask patch pxcor surfycor [set waterOnSurf (h * 100)] set KThetaFactor ((waterOnSurf + (surfycor + 1) * pDcm - (zeroRef * 100)) / ((surfycor + 1) * pDcm - (zeroRef * 100)) ) let effKTheta KTheta * KThetaFactor ;let theta1Dash 0.0 let theta2 thetaResidual ifelse (pycor > (noVetiverRootsHere / pDimen) ) [ ask patch pxcor (pycor - 1) [ set theta2 thetaDifus ] ][ set theta2 0.0 ] set theta1Dash ((qi + (DTheta * theta2 / pDcm) - effKTheta + (thetaDifus * pDcm / tickTime)) / ((DTheta / pDcm) + pDcm / tickTime)) let thetaSatForThis thetas if member? self patchSetWithFilmFlow [ set thetaSatForThis thetaSatWithRoots ] if (theta1Dash > thetaSatForThis) [ set theta1Dash thetaSatForThis ] ] ask patchSetWithDiffusion [ ; it is better to postpone setting of thetaDifus, soilMoisture to ; another iteration over all the patches. This is similar to setting ; q_i from q_o of up patches at the previous instant for all ; patches before proceeding further set qo (qi - (theta1Dash - thetaDifus) * pDcm / tickTime) set thetaDifus theta1Dash set soilMoisture (soilMoisture + (thetaDifus * pDcm * pDcm)) setOtherDiffusiveParams self ] end to setInputFromOutputForFilmFlow ; set qipref from qopref of patch above or from the surface water let qTempPref 0.0 ask patchSetWithFilmFlow [ let qitemp 0.0 set qTempPref (qFilmMax * aaf) set qTempPref (qTempPref * 100 ); / (pDimen * 1)) ; head units cm/s ask patch pxcor (pycor + 1) [ ifelse member? self rainFallsHerePS [ ifelse (qTempPref < inFlow) [ set qitemp qTempPref ][ set qitemp inFlow ] set inFlow (inFlow - qitemp) set filmedWater (filmedWater + (qitemp * tickTime * pDcm) ) ][ set qitemp qopref ] ] set qipref qitemp ] ; done set qipref from qopref of patch above or from the surface water end ; to flow water as thin surface film on the vertical root surfaces ; ref Theory for Source-Responsive and Free-Surface Film Modelling ; of Unsaturated Flow. John R. Nimmo; Vadose Zone J. 2010, Vol 9 p295-306 to surfaceFilmFlowOnRoots ; film flow across the patches set filmMoisture 0.0 ask patchSetWithFilmFlow [ ;ifelse (thetapref >= thetaFilmMax) [ ; set qopref qipref ; ; later check whether we have to dip into the film ;][ let qiprefAsRatio (qipref * tickTime / pDcm ) let qopreftempAsRatio 0.0 set thetapref (thetapref + qiprefAsRatio) if (thetapref > thetaFilmMax) [ set qopreftempAsRatio (thetapref - thetaFilmMax) set thetapref thetaFilmMax ] set qopref (qopreftempAsRatio * pDcm / tickTime) ;] set filmMoisture (filmMoisture + (thetapref * pDcm * pDcm)) if (pycor = (noVetiverRootsHere / pDimen)) [ set filmRunout (filmRunout + (qopref * tickTime * pDcm)) ] ] ; end film flow across the patches end to-report surfacePatchFinder [aPatch stepsDown] if not member? aPatch rainFallsHerePS [report nobody] let downPatch nobody ask aPatch [ if ((pxcor + stepsDown) <= max-pxcor) and ((pxcor + stepsDown) >= 0) [ let yOfAnotherSurfPatch 0 ask patch (pxcor + stepsDown) 0 [ set yOfAnotherSurfPatch surfacepYcor ] set downPatch patch (pxcor + stepsDown) yOfAnotherSurfPatch if not member? downPatch rainFallsHerePS [ set downPatch nobody] ] ] report downPatch end to setInputFromOutputForSurfaceFlow ask rainFallsHerePS [ let ourInflow 0 set hprev h let upPatch (surfacePatchFinder self ( - 1)) ifelse upPatch != nobody [ ask upPatch [ set ourInflow outFlow ] ][ ; 0 th patch. Calculate rain in hinterland and treat as inflow let ourIn ( rainfallIntensity / 3600) * hinterland / pDimen * (0.99 + random-float 0.02) ; cm/sec set ourInflow ourIn set totalRain (totalRain + (ourInflow * tickTime * pDcm)) ] set inFlow ourInflow ] end to surfaceRunoff let QiTemp 0 let Q 0 set totalSurfaceWater 0 let vpatch rainFallsHerePS with [pxcor = vetRpxcor] ask vpatch [ set QiTemp inFlow ; water inflow head units cm/s set Q (QiTemp * pDimen * 1 / 100) ; m^3/s set hv 0 set Rv (0.5 / vetiverpm - vetiverShootRadius) set hm 0 if (mSlope > 0) and (Q > 0) [ set hm exp (0.6 * ln (Q * (n / kn) / sqrt (mSlope) ))] ifelse (vetiverpm = 1) [ set hv hm ][ set hv (heightFromQForVetiverHedge Q) ] set h hv set deadHeight (hv - hm + (pycor * pDimen)) set waterLevelAtVetiver h * 100 set totalSurfaceWater totalSurfaceWater + (waterLevelAtVetiver * pDcm) set backwaterLength (hv - hm) / (tan slpAngle) set backwaterStartPos (vetiverXPos - backwaterLength) ] ask rainFallsHerePS [ set QiTemp inFlow ; water inflow head units cm/s set Q (QiTemp * pDimen * 1 / 100) ; m^3/s set hm 0 if (mSlope > 0) and (Q > 0) [ set hm exp (0.6 * ln (Q * (n / kn) / sqrt (mSlope) )) ] set v 0.0 if (mSlope > 0) and (hm > 0) [ set v (kn / n) * exp (0.6667 * ln hm ) * sqrt (mSlope)] ifelse surfaceRun [ if pxcor != vetRpxcor [ ; not at vetiver hedge ifelse pxcor < vetRpxcor [ let yGround (pycor) * pDimen ifelse deadHeight > yGround [ set h (deadHeight + hm - yGround) ][ set h hm ] ][ set h hm ] ] set outFlow (inFlow + (hprev - h) / tickTime) ; steady state condition ][ set outFlow 0 ] set totalSurfaceWater totalSurfaceWater + (h * 100 * pDcm) if pxcor = (vetLpxcor - 5) [ set waterLevelBeforeVetiver (h * 100) ; cm ] if pxcor = (vetRpxcor + 5) [ set waterLevelAfterVetiver (h * 100) ; cm ] if pxcor = max-pxcor [ set surfaceRunout surfaceRunout + outFlow * tickTime * pDcm ] ] end to showSurfaceWaterLevel let thePatchAbove nobody ask rainFallsHerePS [ let wabove (h * 100) ; if wabove < 0 [set wabove 0] let exitloop false let waterFilledPatches ceiling (wabove / pDcm) let patchAbove 0 let waterForRest wabove if debug and (wabove > 200) [ ; enough to drown show word "water " wabove show word "fills " waterFilledPatches ] repeat waterFilledPatches [ set thePatchAbove (patch-at 0 patchAbove) if thePatchAbove != nobody [ ask thePatchAbove [ ifelse (waterForRest > pDcm) [ set waterInPatch pDcm set waterForRest waterForRest - pDcm ][ set waterInPatch waterForRest set waterForRest 0 ] set pcolor (blue + 5 - (waterInPatch * 5 / pDcm)) ] set patchAbove (patchAbove + 1) ] ] while [not exitloop] [ set thePatchAbove (patch-at 0 patchAbove) ifelse thePatchAbove = nobody [ set exitloop true ][ ask patch-at 0 patchAbove [ ifelse (pcolor = originalColor) [ set exitloop true ][ set waterInPatch 0 set pcolor originalColor set patchAbove (patchAbove + 1) ] ] ] ] ] end to showMoistureLevel let thePatchAbove nobody ask patchSetWithDiffusion [ ifelse member? self patchSetWithFilmFlow [ set pcolor (originalColor + 2 - ((thetaDifus + thetapref) * 5 / (thetas + thetaFilmMax - thetaRoots))) ][ set pcolor (originalColor + 2 - ((thetaDifus ) * 5 / thetas )) ] ] end ;;; plotting procedures to my-setup-plots set-current-plot "Total water flowed" set-plot-x-range 0 simulateDuration / 2 set-plot-y-range 0 100; water contents will be expressed as % of totalRain ; set-current-plot "water level" set-plot-x-range 0 10 ; simulateDuration / 2 set-plot-y-range 0 2 ; 4 ;(10 * ceiling (rainfallIntensity * 10 / 60 / 10)) end to clearPlots ;; update averaged rain set-current-plot "water at vetiver" clear-plot set-current-plot "Total water flowed" clear-plot set-current-plot "water level" clear-plot set-current-plot "diffusive and film flow" clear-plot set-current-plot "thetaDifus vs depth" clear-plot set-current-plot "water diffused filmed" clear-plot set-current-plot "Moisture stores" clear-plot end to my-update-plots ;; update averaged rain set-current-plot "Total water flowed" set-current-plot-pen "rainIn" plotxy (simulatedTime) 100 ; (totalRain * 100 / totalRain) set-current-plot-pen "surfaceOut" plotxy (simulatedTime) (surfaceRunout * 100 / totalRain) ;set-current-plot-pen "filmOut" ;plotxy (simulatedTime) (filmRunout * 100 / totalRain) set-current-plot-pen "filmIn" plotxy (simulatedTime) (filmedWater * 100 / totalRain) set-current-plot-pen "diffuseIn" plotxy (simulatedTime) (diffusedWater * 100 / totalRain ) ;; plot water height before and after hedgerow set-current-plot "water level" set-current-plot-pen "hedge-" plotxy (simulatedTime) waterLevelBeforeVetiver * 10 set-current-plot-pen "hedge+" plotxy (simulatedTime) waterLevelAfterVetiver * 10 set-current-plot-pen "hedge" plotxy (simulatedTime) waterLevelAtVetiver * 10 ;; plot near vetiver hedgerow if ((ticks - bigBang) * tickTime) >= plotAt [ update-waterAtVetiver update-moistureDiffusive update-DiffusiveAndFilmFlowFluxes update-DiffusiveAndFilmFlowWater plotMoistureStores set plotAt ((ticks - bigBang) * tickTime) + 60 ] end to update-waterAtVetiver ;; plot near vetiver hedgerow set-current-plot "water at vetiver" clear-plot let ystart 0 ; leftPatchForPlot ; ; rightPatchForPlot ; ask patch rightPatchForPlot 0 [set ystart (surfacepYcor * pDimen * 100)] let ipx leftPatchForPlot repeat (rightPatchForPlot - leftPatchForPlot + 1) [ let thePatchycor 0 ask patch ipx 0 [ set thePatchycor surfacepYcor] ask patch ipx thePatchycor [ if (pxcor >= leftPatchForPlot ) and (pxcor <= rightPatchForPlot) [ let grlevel ((pycor + 1) * pDimen * 100 - ystart) ifelse pxcor = vetRpxcor [ set-current-plot-pen "vetiver" ; plotxy (pxcor + 1 - leftPatchForPlot) grlevel set-current-plot-pen "vetiver" plotxy (pxcor + 1 - leftPatchForPlot) (h * 100 + grlevel) set-current-plot-pen "waterstep" plotxy (pxcor + 1 - leftPatchForPlot) (h * 100 + grlevel) ][ set-current-plot-pen "waterstep" plotxy (pxcor + 1 - leftPatchForPlot) (h * 100 + grlevel) set-current-plot-pen "ground" plotxy (pxcor + 1 - leftPatchForPlot) grlevel set-current-plot-pen "deadLevel" let dhplot deadHeight * 100 - ystart if (dhplot > grlevel) and (pxcor <= vetRpxcor + 1) [ plotxy (pxcor + 1 - leftPatchForPlot) dhplot ] ] ] ] set ipx ipx + 1 ] end to update-moistureDiffusive set-current-plot "thetaDifus vs depth" clear-plot let xpatch 12 let ymax 0 ask patch xpatch 0 [ set ymax ( surfacepYcor - 1)] let ythis (noVetiverRootsHere / pDimen) let topz (ymax * pDcm + 0.5 * pDcm) let ydepth 0.0 let thetaatyx 0.0 while [ythis <= ymax] [ ask patch xpatch ythis [ set ydepth z set thetaatyx thetaDifus ] set-current-plot-pen "atxcor12" plotxy thetaatyx ydepth ;(topz - ydepth) set ythis (ythis + 1) ] end to update-DiffusiveAndFilmFlowFluxes set-current-plot "diffusive and film flow" let xpatch (vetRpxcor - 2) let ypatch 30 ask surfPatchInfoRow with [pxcor = xpatch] [ set ypatch (surfacepYcor - 5) ] let qd 0.0 let qf 0.0 ask patch xpatch ypatch [ set qf qopref set qd qo ] set-current-plot-pen "diffuse" plotxy (simulatedTime) (qd * 10 * 60) ;plot-pen-reset set-current-plot-pen "film" plotxy (simulatedTime) (qf * 10 * 60) end to update-DiffusiveAndFilmFlowWater set-current-plot "water diffused filmed" set-current-plot-pen "diffuse" plotxy (simulatedTime) (diffusedWater ) set-current-plot-pen "film" plotxy (simulatedTime) (filmedWater ) end to plotMoistureStores set-current-plot "Moisture stores" set-current-plot-pen "surface" plotxy (simulatedTime) (totalSurfaceWater) set-current-plot-pen "soil" plotxy (simulatedTime) (soilMoisture) set-current-plot-pen "root" plotxy (simulatedTime) (filmMoisture) end
There is only one version of this model, created about 11 years ago by vinod kumar k.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
Ground Water Recharge by Vetiver Hedgerow.png | preview | Preview for 'Ground Water Recharge by Vetiver Hedgerow' | about 11 years ago, by vinod kumar k | Download |
This model does not have any ancestors.
This model does not have any descendants.
vinod kumar k
Titles in Info (Question)
When I created the Info page in Netlogo 5.0.5, the titles were shown in blue background. But the uploaded Info in ModelingCommons shows the title with ##. Why?
Posted about 11 years ago
Reuven M. Lerner
I need to fix the formatting, I guess!
Sorry, Vinod. Looks like I need to fix the formatting of Info tabs on the Modeling Commons. I'll put that on my to-do list, and hope to have that improved soon. You don't need to do anything; the problem is in how the internal NetLogo file is being read and displayed. Once I fix it, all models on the Modeling Commons will look better.
Posted about 11 years ago
vinod kumar k
when does the Run counter increase? (Question)
The Run count of the model was 0. Disappointed, I ran it once myself over the web. I let it stop by itself limiting the duration for simulation to 10 minutes. Still the Run count did not increase. I feel that the model has to indicate to the applet viewer that it has been run. How please?
Posted about 11 years ago
vinod kumar k
rain water from rooftop absorbed by vetiver hedgerow
Five month old vetiver hedgerow absorbing rooftop rainwater The slope from the point the water falls from the roof to the hedgerow is minimal. It can be considered flat. Because the hedgerow absorbs the water, the water flows from the point of fall to the hedgerow. This shows what Richard Grimshaw observed about vetiver recharging the groundwater even on plain ground, not only on slopes. The flow stops at the vetiver hedgerow. The coconut roots too would be contributing to the increased infiltration. Summer rains in May, 2014 at Thrissur, Kerala.
Posted almost 11 years ago