modelo t-types c-types
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extensions [ ] globals [ a ; parámetro del t-type b ; parámetro de la cantidad de neighbors con el mismo c-type c ; parámetro de la cantidad de neighbors con distinto c-type tt_opciones ] patches-own [ c-type ;; crowding type c-type_old ; crowding type del período anterior t-type ;; taste type total_1 total_2 total_3 total_4 total_5 u_1 u_2 u_3 u_4 u_5 cluster clus dato_cluster ] to setup clear-all set tt_opciones ct_opciones ; para tener la misma cantidad de crowding types y de taste types if ( comport = "Pavloviano" ) [ set a 1 set b 1 set c 1 ] if ( comport = "conformista" ) [ set a 0 set b 0 set c 1 ] if ( comport = "averso_perdida" ) [ set a 1 set b 1 set c 2 ] if ( comport = "exclusivo" ) [ set a 1 set b -1 set c -1 ] ask patches [ set cluster nobody ; para contar los grupos ifelse ( c_type_valor? ) [ ; le damos un porcentaje de agentes con c-type 1 y el resto se divide aleatoriamente ifelse ( random-float 1.000 <= c-type_1 ) [ set c-type 1 ] [ set c-type ( 2 + random ((ct_opciones - 1)))] set t-type 1 + random ( tt_opciones ) ; los taste types se dividen de manera aleatoria recolor-patch ] ; en este caso, el porcentaje de crowding types también se genera de manera aleatoria [ set c-type 1 + random ( ct_opciones ) set t-type 1 + random ( tt_opciones ) recolor-patch ] ] ; en este caso, se setea el modelo para las vecindades de Moore o Von Neumann ask patches [ if ( vecindad = "Moore" ) [ set total_1 count neighbors with [ c-type = 1 ] set total_2 count neighbors with [ c-type = 2 ] set total_3 count neighbors with [ c-type = 3 ] set total_4 count neighbors with [ c-type = 4 ] set total_5 count neighbors with [ c-type = 5 ] ; ahora, para cada individuo se calcula la utilidad de cada c-type ; notar que cuando coincide el t-type con el c-type, es mayor la utilidad set u_1 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 1 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_1 / count neighbors ) - c * ( count neighbors with [ c-type != 1 ] / count neighbors ) set u_2 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 2 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_2 / count neighbors ) - c * ( count neighbors with [ c-type != 2 ] / count neighbors ) set u_3 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 3 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_3 / count neighbors ) - c * ( count neighbors with [ c-type != 3 ] / count neighbors ) set u_4 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 4 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_4 / count neighbors ) - c * ( count neighbors with [ c-type != 4 ] / count neighbors ) set u_5 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 5 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_5 / count neighbors ) - c * ( count neighbors with [ c-type != 5 ] / count neighbors ) ] if (vecindad = "VN") [ set total_1 count neighbors4 with [ c-type = 1 ] set total_2 count neighbors4 with [ c-type = 2 ] set total_3 count neighbors4 with [ c-type = 3 ] set total_4 count neighbors4 with [ c-type = 4 ] set total_5 count neighbors4 with [ c-type = 5 ] set u_1 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 1 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_1 / count neighbors4 ) - c * ( count neighbors with [ c-type != 1 ] / count neighbors4 ) set u_2 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 2 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_2 / count neighbors4 ) - c * ( count neighbors with [ c-type != 2 ] / count neighbors4 ) set u_3 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 3 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_3 / count neighbors4 ) - c * ( count neighbors with [ c-type != 3 ] / count neighbors4 ) set u_4 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 4 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_4 / count neighbors4 ) - c * ( count neighbors with [ c-type != 4 ] / count neighbors4 ) set u_5 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 5 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_5 / count neighbors4 ) - c * ( count neighbors with [ c-type != 5 ] / count neighbors4 ) ] ] reset-ticks end to go ; para guardar los valores anteriores ask patches [ set c-type_old c-type set cluster nobody if ( clus > 0 ) [ set dato_cluster clus ] set clus 0 ] ; con las preferencias individuales (t-types) y los c-types ask patches [ set c-type ifelse-value (( u_1 > u_2 ) and (u_1 > u_3) and (u_1 > u_4) and (u_1 > u_5)) [ 1 ][ ifelse-value ((u_2 > u_1) and (u_2 > u_3) and (u_2 > u_4) and (u_2 > u_5)) [ 2 ] [ ifelse-value ((u_3 > u_1) and (u_3 > u_2) and (u_3 > u_4) and (u_3 > u_5))[ 3 ] [ ifelse-value ((u_4 > u_1) and (u_4 > u_2) and (u_4 > u_3) and (u_4 > u_5)) [ 4 ] [ ifelse-value ((u_5 > u_1) and (u_5 > u_2) and (u_5 > u_3) and (u_5 > u_4)) [ 5 ] [ 1 + random ct_opciones ]]]]] recolor-patch ] ; mutaciones (existe una probabilidad que ocurra un cambio en las elecciones del agente) ask patches [ if ( random-float 1.000 <= prob_mut ) [ set c-type 1 + random ct_opciones ] recolor-patch ] ; Para exportar la pantalla o el gráfico ; export-interface (word "frame_23" but-first (word (100 + ticks)) ".png") ; export-plot (word ticks ".png") ; export-interface (word ticks ".png") tick ; ahora se calculan utilidades de cada opción, luego de la elección del producto ask patches [ if ( vecindad = "Moore" ) [ set total_1 count neighbors with [ c-type = 1 ] set total_2 count neighbors with [ c-type = 2 ] set total_3 count neighbors with [ c-type = 3 ] set total_4 count neighbors with [ c-type = 4 ] set total_5 count neighbors with [ c-type = 5 ] set u_1 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 1 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_1 / count neighbors ) - c * ( count neighbors with [ c-type != 1 ] / count neighbors ) set u_2 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 2 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_2 / count neighbors ) - c * ( count neighbors with [ c-type != 2 ] / count neighbors ) set u_3 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 3 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_3 / count neighbors ) - c * ( count neighbors with [ c-type != 3 ] / count neighbors ) set u_4 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 4 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_4 / count neighbors ) - c * ( count neighbors with [ c-type != 4 ] / count neighbors ) set u_5 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 5 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_5 / count neighbors ) - c * ( count neighbors with [ c-type != 5 ] / count neighbors ) ] if (vecindad = "VN") [ set total_1 count neighbors4 with [ c-type = 1 ] set total_2 count neighbors4 with [ c-type = 2 ] set total_3 count neighbors4 with [ c-type = 3 ] set total_4 count neighbors4 with [ c-type = 4 ] set total_5 count neighbors4 with [ c-type = 5 ] set u_1 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 1 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_1 / count neighbors4 ) - c * ( count neighbors with [ c-type != 1 ] / count neighbors4 ) set u_2 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 2 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_2 / count neighbors4 ) - c * ( count neighbors with [ c-type != 2 ] / count neighbors4 ) set u_3 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 3 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_3 / count neighbors4 ) - c * ( count neighbors with [ c-type != 3 ] / count neighbors4 ) set u_4 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 4 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_4 / count neighbors4 ) - c * ( count neighbors with [ c-type != 4 ] / count neighbors4 ) set u_5 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 5 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_5 / count neighbors4 ) - c * ( count neighbors with [ c-type != 5 ] / count neighbors4 ) ] ] if (ticks = 1 or ticks = 5 or ticks = 10 or ticks = 15 or ticks = 20 or ticks = 25 or ticks = 30 or ticks = 35 or ticks = 40 or ticks = 45 or ticks = 50 or ticks = 55 or ticks = 60) [ find-clusters ] end to go-global ; este caso sirve para mostrar el desarrollo del modelo cuando los individuos toman en cuenta la información de todos los agentes ; es igual que "GO" pero la vecindad es el conjunto de todos los individuos ask patches [ set total_1 count patches with [ c-type = 1 ] set total_2 count patches with [ c-type = 2 ] set total_3 count patches with [ c-type = 3 ] set total_4 count patches with [ c-type = 4 ] set total_5 count patches with [ c-type = 5 ] set u_1 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 1 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_1 / count patches ) - c * ( count patches with [ c-type != 1 ] / count patches ) set u_2 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 2 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_2 / count patches ) - c * ( count patches with [ c-type != 2 ] / count patches ) set u_3 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 3 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_3 / count patches ) - c * ( count patches with [ c-type != 3 ] / count patches ) set u_4 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 4 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_4 / count patches ) - c * ( count patches with [ c-type != 4 ] / count patches ) set u_5 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 5 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_5 / count patches ) - c * ( count patches with [ c-type != 5 ] / count patches ) ] ask patches [ set c-type_old c-type ] ask patches [ set c-type ifelse-value (( u_1 > u_2 ) and (u_1 > u_3) and (u_1 > u_4) and (u_1 > u_5)) [ 1 ][ ifelse-value ((u_2 > u_1) and (u_2 > u_3) and (u_2 > u_4) and (u_2 > u_5)) [ 2 ] [ ifelse-value ((u_3 > u_1) and (u_3 > u_2) and (u_3 > u_4) and (u_3 > u_5))[ 3 ] [ ifelse-value ((u_4 > u_1) and (u_4 > u_2) and (u_4 > u_3) and (u_4 > u_5)) [ 4 ] [ ifelse-value ((u_5 > u_1) and (u_5 > u_2) and (u_5 > u_3) and (u_5 > u_4)) [ 5 ] [ 1 + random ct_opciones ]]]]] recolor-patch ] ; mutaciones ask patches [ if ( random-float 1.000 <= prob_mut ) [ set c-type 1 + random ct_opciones ] recolor-patch ] ; Para exportar la pantalla ; export-interface (word "frame_2" but-first (word (100000 + ticks)) ".png") ; export-plot (word ticks ".png") tick ; export-interface (word ticks ".png") ask patches [ set total_1 count patches with [ c-type = 1 ] set total_2 count patches with [ c-type = 2 ] set total_3 count patches with [ c-type = 3 ] set total_4 count patches with [ c-type = 4 ] set total_5 count patches with [ c-type = 5 ] set u_1 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 1 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_1 / count patches ) - c * ( count patches with [ c-type != 1 ] / count patches ) set u_2 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 2 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_2 / count patches ) - c * ( count patches with [ c-type != 2 ] / count patches ) set u_3 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 3 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_3 / count patches ) - c * ( count patches with [ c-type != 3 ] / count patches ) set u_4 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 4 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_4 / count patches ) - c * ( count patches with [ c-type != 4 ] / count patches ) set u_5 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 5 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_5 / count patches ) - c * ( count patches with [ c-type != 5 ] / count patches ) ] end to recolor-patch ;; colores diferentes para cada c-type ifelse c-type = 1 [ set pcolor red + 1] [ ifelse c-type = 2 [ set pcolor green + 1 ][ ifelse c-type = 3 [ set pcolor blue ][ ifelse c-type = 4 [ set pcolor yellow ] [ set pcolor magenta ] ] ] ] end ;;; para contar la cantidad de clusters to find-clusters loop [ ;; pick a random patch that isn't in a cluster yet let seed one-of patches with [cluster = nobody] ;; if we can't find one, then we're done! if seed = nobody [ show-clusters stop ] ;; otherwise, make the patch the "leader" of a new cluster ;; by assigning itself to its own cluster, then call ;; grow-cluster to find the rest of the cluster ask seed [ set cluster self grow-cluster ] ] display end to grow-cluster ;; patch procedure ask neighbors4 with [(cluster = nobody) and (pcolor = [pcolor] of myself)] [ set cluster [cluster] of myself grow-cluster ] end ;; once all the clusters have been found, this is called ;; to put numeric labels on them so the user can see ;; that the clusters were identified correctly to show-clusters let counter 1 loop [ ;; pick a random patch we haven't labeled yet let p one-of patches with [ clus = 0 ] if p = nobody [ stop ] ;; give all patches in the chosen patch's cluster ;; the same label ask p [ ask patches with [cluster = [cluster] of myself] [ set clus counter ] ] set counter counter + 1 ] end
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