modelo con redes

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Default-person Emiliano Alvarez (Author)


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extensions [ ]
  a ; parámetro del t-type

  b ; parámetro de la cantidad de neighbors con el mismo c-type

  c ; parámetro de la cantidad de neighbors con distinto c-type

  c-type ;; crowding type

  t-type ;; taste type

  tt-type ;; taste type a medida que avanza el juego

  tt-type_old ; tt-type en el período anterior


;; para cuando hay dos ct_opciones, definimos la cantidad inicial de cada uno (con la barra)


to setup_3
  set max-align-turn 180
  crt 400 [
    move-to one-of patches with [ not any? turtles-here ]
ask turtles [
    ifelse ( random-float 1.000 <= c-type_1 ) [ set c-type 1 ] [ set c-type ( 2 + random ((ct_opciones - 1)))]
    ifelse ( random-float 1.000 <= t-type_1 ) [ set t-type 1 ] [ set t-type ( 2 + random ((tt_opciones - 1)))]
     recolor-agent ]

  ask turtles [
    ifelse ( ycor < 0 ) [ set tt-type 1 ] [ set tt-type 2 ]
    set tt-type_old tt-type
    set my-neighbors (other turtles) in-radius radio
    set num-neighbors count my-neighbors
    if ( num-neighbors = 0 )  [ set my-neighbors turtles ]
;    set shape "default"

;    set color white

  set t1-patches patches with [pycor < 0]
  ask t1-patches [ set pcolor white ]

  set t2-patches patches with [pycor > 0]
  ask t2-patches [ set pcolor white ]

  set c1-patches patches with [pxcor < 0]
  set c2-patches patches with [pxcor > 0]
;  set t1c2-patches patches with [pxcor < 0 and pycor > 0]

;  ask t1c2-patches [ set pcolor green ]

;  set t2c2-patches patches with [pxcor  0 and pycor > 0]

;  ask t2c2-patches [ set pcolor green + 1]

;ask turtles

;    [ set c-type 1 + random ( ct_opciones )

;      set t-type 1 + random ( tt_opciones ) recolor-agent]

ask turtles [
  if ( c-type = 1 ) [ set my-c-neighbors ( my-neighbors with [ c-type = 1 ] ) set no-my-c-neighbors ( my-neighbors with [ c-type != 1 ] ) ]
  if ( c-type = 2 ) [ set my-c-neighbors ( my-neighbors with [ c-type = 2 ] ) set no-my-c-neighbors ( my-neighbors with [ c-type != 2 ] ) ]
  if ( c-type = 3 ) [ set my-c-neighbors ( my-neighbors with [ c-type = 3 ] ) set no-my-c-neighbors ( my-neighbors with [ c-type != 3 ] ) ]
  if ( c-type = 4 ) [ set my-c-neighbors ( my-neighbors with [ c-type = 4 ] ) set no-my-c-neighbors ( my-neighbors with [ c-type != 4 ] ) ]
  if ( c-type = 5 ) [ set my-c-neighbors ( my-neighbors with [ c-type = 5 ] ) set no-my-c-neighbors ( my-neighbors with [ c-type != 5 ] ) ]
  set num-c-neighbors count my-c-neighbors
  if ( num-c-neighbors = 0 )  [ set my-c-neighbors turtles ]
if ( comport = "Pavloviano" ) [
  set a 1
  set b 1
  set c 1
if  ( comport = "conformista" )
  [ set a 0
    set b 0
    set c 1
 if ( comport = "averso_perdida" )
 [ set a 1
   set b 1
   set c 2
if ( comport = "exclusivo" )
 [ set a 1
   set b -1
   set c -1
 ask turtles
     [ set total_1 count my-neighbors with [ c-type = 1 ]
       set total_2 count my-neighbors with [ c-type = 2 ]
       set total_3 count my-neighbors with [ c-type = 3 ]    ;; use two ask patches blocks so all patches compute "total"

       set total_4 count my-neighbors with [ c-type = 4 ]     ;; before any patches change their c-types

       set total_5 count my-neighbors with [ c-type = 5 ]
       if ( c-type = 1 ) [ set neighbors_b total_1 set neighbors_c total_2]
       if ( c-type = 2 ) [ set neighbors_b total_2 set neighbors_c total_1]
;       set neighbors_b count my-neighbors with [ c-type = ]

;       set neighbors_c count my-neighbors with [ c-type != c-type of myself ]

     set u_1 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 1 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( neighbors_b / num-neighbors ) - c * ( neighbors_c / num-neighbors )
     set u_2 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 2 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( neighbors_b / num-neighbors ) - c * ( neighbors_c / num-neighbors )
     set u_3 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 3 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( neighbors_b / num-neighbors ) - c * ( neighbors_c / num-neighbors )
     set u_4 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 4 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( neighbors_b / num-neighbors ) - c * ( neighbors_c / num-neighbors )
     set u_5 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 5 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( neighbors_b / num-neighbors ) - c * ( neighbors_c / num-neighbors )
     set u max (list u_1 u_2 u_3 u_4 u_5) ]


to go
  ask turtles
  [ set tt-type_old tt-type
    set u_old u
    set xcor_old xcor
    set ycor_old ycor
    set u max (list u_1 u_2 u_3 u_4 u_5)
  ask turtles [
    set my-neighbors (other turtles) in-radius radio
   if ( my-neighbors = 0 )  [ set my-neighbors turtles ]
    set num-neighbors count turtles
  ask turtles
    [    set tt-type ifelse-value (( u_1 > u_2 ) and (u_1 > u_3) and (u_1 > u_4)) [ 1 ][
          ifelse-value ((u_2 > u_1) and (u_2 > u_3) and (u_2 > u_4)) [ 2 ] [
           ifelse-value ((u_3 > u_1) and (u_3 > u_2) and (u_3 > u_4))[ 3 ] [
            ifelse-value ((u_4 > u_1) and (u_4 > u_2) and (u_4 > u_3)) [ 4 ][ 1 + random ct_opciones ] ] ] ]
    recolor-agent ]

; mutaciones

ask turtles
 [ if ( random-float 1.000 <= prob_mut ) [ set tt-type 1 + random ct_opciones ]
     recolor-agent ]

ask turtles
[ if ( tt-type = 1 and ycor > 0 ) [ set ycor ( - ycor )]
  if ( tt-type = 2 and ycor < 0 ) [ set ycor ( - ycor ) ]


; ahora se mueve

ask turtles
[ if ( tt-type = 1 and tt-type_old != 1) [ move-to one-of t1-patches ]
  if ( tt-type = 1 and tt-type_old = 1 and  u >= u_old and ycor <= -1 ) [ align fd 1 right 2] ;[ move-to one-of t1-patches ]

  if ( tt-type = 1 and tt-type_old = 1 and  u < u_old  and ycor <= -1 ) [ align fd 0  left 2] ;[ move-to one-of t1-patches ]

;  if ( tt-type = 1 and ycor >= - 1  ) [ move-to one-of t1-patches ]

  if ( tt-type = 2 and tt-type_old != 2) [ move-to one-of t2-patches ]
  if ( tt-type = 2 and tt-type_old = 2 and  u >= u_old  and ycor >= 1 ) [ align fd 1 right 2 ]
  if ( tt-type = 2 and tt-type_old = 2 and  u < u_old  and ycor >= 1 ) [ align fd 0 left 2 ] ;[ move-to one-of t2-patches ]

;  if ( tt-type = 2 and ycor <= 0  ) [ move-to one-of t2-patches ]

  ifelse (tt-type != t-type) [ set shape "square" ] [ set shape "default"]
 ;ifelse ( c-type = 1) [move-to one-of c1-patches ] [move-to one-of c2-patches ]


;export-interface (word "frame_25" but-first (word (100 + ticks)) ".png")

; cuenta nuevamente

ask turtles
  [ set total_1 count my-neighbors with [ c-type = 1 ]
    set total_2 count my-neighbors with [ c-type = 2 ]
    set total_3 count my-neighbors with [ c-type = 3 ]    ;; use two ask patches blocks so all patches compute "total"

    set total_4 count my-neighbors with [ c-type = 4 ]     ;; before any patches change their c-types

    set total_5 count my-neighbors with [ c-type = 5 ] ]
ask turtles
  [ if ( c-type = 1 ) [ set neighbors_b total_1 set neighbors_c total_2 + total_3 + total_4 + total_5 ]
    if ( c-type = 2 ) [ set neighbors_b total_2 set neighbors_c total_1 + total_3 + total_4 + total_5 ]
    if ( c-type = 3 ) [ set neighbors_b total_3 set neighbors_c total_1 + total_2 + total_4 + total_5 ]
    if ( c-type = 4 ) [ set neighbors_b total_4 set neighbors_c total_1 + total_2 + total_3 + total_5 ]
    if ( c-type = 5 ) [ set neighbors_b total_5 set neighbors_c total_1 + total_2 + total_3 + total_4 ]
     set u_1 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 1 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( neighbors_b / num-neighbors ) - c * ( neighbors_c / num-neighbors )
     set u_2 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 2 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( neighbors_b / num-neighbors ) - c * ( neighbors_c / num-neighbors )
     set u_3 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 3 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( neighbors_b / num-neighbors ) - c * ( neighbors_c / num-neighbors )
     set u_4 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 4 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( neighbors_b / num-neighbors ) - c * ( neighbors_c / num-neighbors )
     set u_5 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (t-type = 5 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( neighbors_b / num-neighbors ) - c * ( neighbors_c / num-neighbors )

 ;      set u_1 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (tt-type = 1 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_1 / num-neighbors ) - c * ( count my-neighbors with [ c-type != 1 ] / num-neighbors )

 ;      set u_2 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (tt-type = 2 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_2 / num-neighbors ) - c * ( count my-neighbors with [ c-type != 2 ] / num-neighbors )

 ;      set u_3 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (tt-type = 3 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_3 / num-neighbors ) - c * ( count my-neighbors with [ c-type != 3 ] / num-neighbors )

 ;      set u_4 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (tt-type = 4 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_4 / num-neighbors ) - c * ( count my-neighbors with [ c-type != 4 ] / num-neighbors )

 ;      set u_5 a * ( 1 / ct_opciones ) * ( ifelse-value (tt-type = 5 ) [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) + b * ( total_5 / num-neighbors ) - c * ( count my-neighbors with [ c-type != 5 ] / num-neighbors )

;     ]

ask turtles [
  if ( c-type = 1 ) [ set my-c-neighbors ( my-neighbors with [ c-type = 1 ] ) set no-my-c-neighbors ( my-neighbors with [ c-type != 1 ] ) ]
  if ( c-type = 2 ) [ set my-c-neighbors ( my-neighbors with [ c-type = 2 ] ) set no-my-c-neighbors ( my-neighbors with [ c-type != 2 ] ) ]
  if ( c-type = 3 ) [ set my-c-neighbors ( my-neighbors with [ c-type = 3 ] ) set no-my-c-neighbors ( my-neighbors with [ c-type != 3 ] ) ]
  if ( c-type = 4 ) [ set my-c-neighbors ( my-neighbors with [ c-type = 4 ] ) set no-my-c-neighbors ( my-neighbors with [ c-type != 4 ] ) ]
  if ( c-type = 5 ) [ set my-c-neighbors ( my-neighbors with [ c-type = 5 ] ) set no-my-c-neighbors ( my-neighbors with [ c-type != 5 ] ) ]
  set num-c-neighbors count my-c-neighbors
  if ( num-c-neighbors = 0 )  [ set my-c-neighbors turtles ]

to align  ;; turtle procedure

  turn-towards average-flockmate-heading max-align-turn

to-report average-flockmate-heading  ;; turtle procedure

  ;; We can't just average the heading variables here.

  ;; For example, the average of 1 and 359 should be 0,

  ;; not 180.  So we have to use trigonometry.

  let x-component ( mean [dx] of my-c-neighbors )   ; ver con la suma, la media o la mediana

  let y-component ( mean [dy] of my-c-neighbors )
  ifelse x-component = 0 and y-component = 0
    [ report heading ]
    [ report atan x-component y-component ]

to turn-towards [new-heading max-turn]  ;; turtle procedure

  turn-at-most (subtract-headings new-heading heading) max-turn

to turn-away [new-heading max-turn]  ;; turtle procedure

  turn-at-most (subtract-headings heading new-heading) max-turn

to turn-at-most [turn max-turn]  ;; turtle procedure

  ifelse abs turn > max-turn
    [ ifelse turn > 0
        [ rt max-turn ]
        [ lt max-turn ] ]
    [ rt turn ]

to recolor-agent  ;; colorear

  ifelse c-type = 1 [ set color red] [
   ifelse c-type = 2 [ set color green ] [
    ifelse c-type = 3 [ set color blue ] [
     ifelse c-type = 4 [ set color yellow ] [ set color white ]

There are 3 versions of this model.

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Emiliano Alvarez over 8 years ago MEJORA EN CÓDIGO Download this version
Emiliano Alvarez over 8 years ago MEJORAS EN EL CÓDIGO Download this version
Emiliano Alvarez over 8 years ago Initial upload Download this version

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