Pocket Mouse-Fitness
Model was written in NetLogo 6.1.0
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breed [mice mouse] turtles-own [energy labeled order] globals [x y ;mouse position order-number ;track labled mice order name-1 name-2 name-string watched] to-report time-period report ticks / 40 end to setup clear-all setup-mice setup-patches reset-ticks end to setup-mice create-mice Starting-Population-Size ask mice [ set color 31 + random-float (Color-variation / 2) set shape "mouse side" set size 1.25 setxy random-xcor random-ycor set labeled 0 set order 0 set energy 20] set order-number 0 end to setup-patches ask patches [set pcolor Environment-color] end to go if years = 0 [user-message "Number of years is needed" stop] if ticks > years * 40 [stop] if color-heritable? = false [ask mice [set color 31 + random-float 7.5]] diff-survival move forage dead reproduce regrow if count mice = 0 [user-message "All mice have died." Stop] tick end to move ask mice [rt (random 180) fd 1 set energy energy - 1] end to dead ask mice [if energy <= 0 [die]] end to forage ask mice [if pcolor = Environment-color [set energy (energy + Energy-gained) set pcolor pcolor - 0.75]] end to reproduce ask mice [ if energy >= 40 [hatch 1 [set energy 20 if random 100 < Color-variation [set color ((color - 1) + random-float 2)] if color < 31 [set color 31] if color > 38.5 [set color 38.5]] set energy energy - 20 ] ] end to regrow ask patches with [pcolor != Environment-color] [set pcolor Environment-color] end to diff-survival ask mice [ if random 2500 < (abs (color - Environment-color) * Number-of-visual-predators * 0.3) [die] ] end to pick-mice if count mice with [labeled = 1] >= 2 [user-message "Two mice have been labeled. Unlabel the mice first." stop] if any? mice = false [user-message "No mice here." stop] if mouse-inside? [ if mouse-down? [ let test-mouse min-one-of mice [distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor] if test-mouse != nobody [ ask test-mouse [if count mice with [labeled = 1] = 0 and label = "" [set label "A" set labeled 1] ;label the 1st selected moues as "A" if count mice with [labeled = 1] = 1 and label = "" [set label "B" set labeled 1] ;label the 1st selected moues as "B" ] ]]] if count mice with [labeled = 1] >= 2 [stop] ;disable the button when two mice are labelled. end
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