Goldfish breeding-Artificial selection
Model was written in NetLogo 6.2.0
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globals [x y fish-color name] breed [fish a-fish] breed [weeds weed] breed [pebbles pebble] breed [foods food] to-report min-color report (round min [color] of fish) - 0.5 end to-report max-color report (round max [color] of fish) + 0.5 end to-report generation report ticks / 25000 end to setup ca ask patches [set pcolor 87.5] ask patches with [pycor = min-pycor] [set pcolor 35] create-fish 30 ;set fish [set color 24 + random-float 3 set heading 90 ifelse heading >= 0 or heading <= 180 [set shape "fish-ll"][set shape "fish-rr"] set size 5 set label round color setposition ] create-weeds 1 + random 2 ;set aquatic plants [set color green set size 10 + random 3 set shape "weed" setxy random-xcor min-pycor + 6 + random 2] create-pebbles 300 ;set pebbles [set size 1 + random-float 1.5 set color 34 + random 5 set shape "pebble" setxy random-xcor min-pycor + random-float 1.5] reset-ticks end to setposition ifelse turtles-here != nobody [setxy random-xcor random-ycor][setposition] end to go tick every 0.1 [ swim fish-grow death reproduce pick-a-fish do-plot] end to swim ask fish [ rt random-float 45 lt random-float 45 if [pycor] of patch-ahead 1 < min-pycor + 3 [set heading random 90] ;move up if get to the bottom if [pycor] of patch-ahead 1 > max-pycor - 3 [set heading 90 + random 90] ; move down if get to the surface ifelse heading >= 0 and heading <= 180 [set shape "fish-ll"][set shape "fish-rr"] ; set fish side aligned with heading fd 0.3 ] end to set-shape ask turtles [ifelse heading >= 0 or heading <= 180 [set shape "fish 9"][set shape "fish 8"]] end to death ask fish [if count fish >= 30 [if random 100 < 1 [die]]] end to reproduce ask fish with [size = 5] [if count fish < 30 [hatch 1 [set color (color - 1 + random-float 2) round-color set size 0.5 set label round color setxy random-xcor min-pycor + 3 + random 2]]] end to fish-grow ask fish [if size < 5 [set size size + 0.2]] end to round-color if round color = 9 or round color = 10 [set color 12] if round color = 19 or round color = 20 [set color item random 2 [ 18 22]] if round color = 29 or round color = 30 [set color item random 2 [ 28 32]] if round color = 39 or round color = 40 [set color item random 2 [ 38 42]] if round color = 49 or round color = 50 [set color 48] end to pick-a-fish clear-output if mouse-inside? [ if mouse-down? [ set x round mouse-xcor set y round mouse-ycor ask fish with-min [distancexy x y] [set fish-color color] ask fish [die] create-fish 1 ;set a new fish like the picked one [set color fish-color set heading 90 ifelse heading >= 0 or heading <= 180 [set shape "fish-ll"][set shape "fish-rr"] set size 5 set label round color setxy -5 5 ] create-fish 1 ;set second new fish like the picked one [set color fish-color set heading -90 ifelse heading >= 0 or heading <= 180 [set shape "fish-ll"][set shape "fish-rr"] set size 5 set label round color setxy 5 5 ] ;stop ]] end to pick-a-fish-1 clear-output if mouse-inside? [ if mouse-down? [ set x round mouse-xcor set y round mouse-ycor ask fish with-min [distancexy x y] [set fish-color color] ask fish [die] create-fish 1 ;set a new fish like the picked one [set color fish-color set heading 90 ifelse heading >= 0 or heading <= 180 [set shape "fish-ll"][set shape "fish-rr"] set size 5 set label round color setxy -5 5 ] create-fish 1 ;set second new fish like the picked one [set color fish-color set heading -90 ifelse heading >= 0 or heading <= 180 [set shape "fish-ll"][set shape "fish-rr"] set size 5 set label round color setxy 5 5 ] stop ]] end to do-plot ;set-current-plot "Average Size of Pumpkins" ;plot mean [size] of pumpkins set-current-plot "Distribution of Fish Color" set-plot-x-range 10 50 histogram [color] of fish end
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