Genetic Drift and Natural Selection
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globals [x y num-ones allele-num fs fn fv fb] turtles-own [allele genotype phynotype p-name erg] breed [gamates gamate] Breed [ones one] breed [birds bird] to-report allele-s report count gamates with [genotype = "cs"] end to-report allele-n report count gamates with [genotype = "cn"] end to-report allele-b report count gamates with [genotype = "cb"] end to-report allele-v report count gamates with [genotype = "cv"] end to-report sum-allele report allele-s + allele-n + allele-b + allele-v end to set-allele if Involved-alleles? = "2 alleles" [set allele-num 2] if Involved-alleles? = "3 alleles" [set allele-num 3] if Involved-alleles? = "4 alleles" [set allele-num 4] end to start-gamates create-gamates population-size * 2 [ gamate-trait set genotype item random allele-num ["cs" "cn" "cb" "cv"] if genotype = "cb" [set color 0] if genotype = "cn" [set color red] if genotype = "cv" [set color sky]] update-allele end to gamate-trait set shape "dot" set color 52 set size 0.1 setxy random-xcor random-ycor end to set-tray ask patches [ set pcolor 52 + random-float 0.25] end ;================== to setup ca set-tray set-allele start-gamates fertilize reset-ticks end to go tick ifelse birds? [ if count birds < 1 [set-bird] move move-1 gametogenesis fertilize eat ] [ if any? birds [ask birds [ die]] move gametogenesis fertilize] if fs = population-size * 2 or fn = population-size * 2 or fb = population-size * 2 or fv = population-size * 2 [stop] end ;================= to gametogenesis ask ones [ if genotype = "cscs" [ hatch-gamates 2 [gamate-trait set genotype "cs"]] if genotype = "cscn" or genotype = "cncs" [ hatch-gamates 2 [gamate-trait ifelse random 2 = 0 [ set genotype "cs"][set genotype "cn"]]] if genotype = "cscb" or genotype = "cbcs" [ hatch-gamates 2 [gamate-trait ifelse random 2 = 0 [ set genotype "cs"][set genotype "cb"]]] if genotype = "cncn" [ hatch-gamates 2 [gamate-trait set genotype "cn"]] if genotype = "cncb" or genotype = "cbcn" [ hatch-gamates 2 [gamate-trait ifelse random 2 = 0 [ set genotype "cn"][set genotype "cb"]]] if genotype = "cbcb" [ hatch-gamates 2 [gamate-trait set genotype "cb"]] if genotype = "cvcv" [ hatch-gamates 2 [gamate-trait set genotype "cv"]] if genotype = "cvcb" or genotype = "cbcv" [ hatch-gamates 2 [gamate-trait ifelse random 2 = 0 [ set genotype "cv"][set genotype "cb"]]] if genotype = "cvcn" or genotype = "cncv" [ hatch-gamates 2 [gamate-trait ifelse random 2 = 0 [ set genotype "cv"][set genotype "cn"]]] if genotype = "cvcs" or genotype = "cscv" [ hatch-gamates 2 [gamate-trait ifelse random 2 = 0 [ set genotype "cs"][set genotype "cv"]]] die ] update-allele if (fs + fn + fb + fv) < population-size * 2 [proportion] end to update-allele set fs allele-s set fn allele-n set fb allele-b set fv allele-v end to proportion create-gamates (population-size * 2 - (fs + fn + fb + fv)) * (fs / (fs + fn + fb + fv)) [set genotype "cs" gamate-trait] create-gamates (population-size * 2 - (fs + fn + fb + fv)) * (fn / (fs + fn + fb + fv)) [set genotype "cn" gamate-trait] create-gamates (population-size * 2 - (fs + fn + fb + fv)) * (fb / (fs + fn + fb + fv)) [set genotype "cb" gamate-trait] create-gamates (population-size * 2 - (fs + fn + fb + fv)) * (fv / (fs + fn + fb + fv)) [set genotype "cv" gamate-trait] end to fertilize ask gamates [ let mate one-of other gamates if mate != nobody [ hatch-ones 1 [ set size 0.35 ;set-position set genotype word genotype [genotype] of mate if genotype = "cscs" or genotype = "cscn" or genotype = "cncs" or genotype = "cscb" or genotype = "cbcs" [set shape "ladybug-9 spotted" set color 25 set phynotype 1 set p-name "9-spotted"] if genotype = "cncn" or genotype = "cncb" or genotype = "cbcn" [set shape "ladybug-normal" set color 15 set phynotype 2 set p-name "normal"] if genotype = "cbcb" [set shape "ladybug-black" set phynotype 3 set color 30 set p-name "black"] if genotype = "cvcv" or genotype = "cvcb" or genotype = "cbcv" [set shape "ladybug-elongated stripe" set color 36 set phynotype 4 set p-name "elongated-stripe"] if genotype = "cvcn" or genotype = "cncv" [set shape "ladybug-broken strip" set phynotype 5 set color 36 set p-name "broken-stripe"] if genotype = "cvcs" or genotype = "cscv" [set shape "ladybug-5 spotted" set color 24 set phynotype 6 set p-name "5-spotted"] ] ask mate [die]] die ] end to move ask ones [rt random-float 5 lt random-float 5 fd 0.01] end to overpopulation if count ones > 150 [ask ones [if random 2 = 0 [die]]] end to set-bird create-birds 20 [ set color 51.5 set shape "bird" set size 1.25 setxy random-xcor random-ycor] end to move-1 ask birds [ rt random-float 15 lt random-float 15 fd 0.25] end to eat ask birds [let prey one-of ones if prey != nobody [if random-float 100 < abs ([color] of prey - 15) * 2 [ ask prey [die]]]] end
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