Burkina Faso Migration Flows

Burkina Faso Migration Flows preview image

2 collaborators

Default-person Jenny Deview (Author)
Default-person Colin West (Advisor)


human mobility 

Tagged by Didier Ruedin about 2 years ago


Tagged by Didier Ruedin about 2 years ago

Visible to everyone | Changeable by the author
Model was written in NetLogo 6.1.1 • Viewed 463 times • Downloaded 47 times • Run 0 times
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Comments and Questions

Corruption in Data File Issues

When unzipping this model and its associated files some may become corrupted. In file explorer, edit the name of corrupted files to remove the word "CORRUPT." in the prefix and the model should work.

Posted almost 4 years ago

Getting this model to run on NetLogo 6.3

(1) I had to manually re-download the "BFA_adm1_UTM.shp" file from the "Files" tab on this page (the file in the zipped document gave me an error in NetLogo: "Points of LinearRing do not form a closed linestring"). (2) The capitalization for the ASCII file in the code did not match the file, changing it to set regions_ras-dataset gis:load-dataset "bfa_adm1_utm_ascii.asc" helped (this may not be an issue for Windows, but my GNU/Linux machine cares about cases).

Posted about 2 years ago

Click to Run Model

extensions [ gis csv ]
globals [ regions-dataset
  regions_ras-dataset ]
breed [ region-labels region-label]
breed [ migrants migrant]
breed [seconds second]
breed [thirds third]
breed [fourths fourth]
breed [fifths fifth]
breed [sixths sixth]
breed [sevenths seven]
patches-own [ region ]
migrants-own [origin destination energy ]

to setup
  ; Note that setting the coordinate system here is optional, as
  ; long as all of your datasets use the same coordinate system.
  ; gis:load-coordinate-system (word "data/" projection ".prj")
  ; Load all of our datasets
  set regions-dataset gis:load-dataset "BFA_adm1_UTM.shp"
  set regions_ras-dataset gis:load-dataset "BFA_adm1_UTM_ascii.asc"
  ; Set the world envelope to the union of all of our dataset's envelopes
  gis:set-world-envelope (gis:envelope-of regions-dataset)
  set-default-shape migrants "people"




  create-turtles 1      ;;Boucle de Mouhoun
 [ set xcor -41 set ycor 5    ;; These breeds of turtles, seconds, thirds etc, are used as
     set color red ]          ;; heading anchors that are invisible (same color as pcolor),
                              ;;but allow other turtle to face them and go towards that region xycor

  create-seconds 1
  [ set xcor -60 set ycor -41  ;;Second 14, Cascades
    set color 15  ]

  create-thirds 1               ;; Third 15, EST
  [set xcor 46 set ycor 0
    set color grey ]

  create-fourths 1
  [set xcor 9 set ycor -16      ;; Fourth 16, Center Sud
    set color grey]

  create-fifths 1
  [set xcor -66 set ycor -31   ;;Fifth 17, N Cascades
    set color grey]

  create-sixths 1
  [set xcor 17 set ycor 41 ;; Sixth 18, Sahel
    set color 45]
create-sevenths 1
  [set xcor -57 set ycor -18 ;Seventh 19
    set color 17]

  ask n-of 200 patches [
   ifelse (region = 10) ; Nord
   [sprout-migrants 20]
   [ifelse (region = 1) ; Boucle du Mouhoun
    [sprout-migrants 20]
      [ifelse (region = 2) ; Cascades
        [sprout-migrants 20]
        [ifelse (region = 3) ; Centre
          [sprout-migrants 20]
          [ifelse (region = 4) ; Centre-Est
            [sprout-migrants 20]
            [ifelse (region = 5) ; Centre-Nord
              [sprout-migrants 20]
             [ifelse (region = 6) ; Centre-Ouest
              [sprout-migrants 20]
                [ifelse (region = 7) ; Centre-Sud
                  [sprout-migrants 20]
                  [ifelse (region = 8) ; Est
                    [sprout-migrants 20]
                    [ifelse (region = 9) ; Hauts-Bassins
                      [sprout-migrants 20]
                      [ifelse (region = 11); Plateau Central
                        [sprout-migrants 20]
                        [ifelse (region = 12) ; Sahel
                          [sprout-migrants 20]
                          [ifelse (region = 13) ; Sud-Ouest
                            [sprout-migrants 20]
    [sprout-migrants 0]

  ;;;;;; COLORS MIGRANTS ;;;;;;

  ask migrants [
   ifelse (region = 1) ; Boucle du Mohoun
    [ set color 16 set energy 20]
    [ ifelse (region = 2) ; Cascades
      [set color 15 set energy 20]
    [ifelse (region = 3)  ; Centre
        [set color 16.5 set energy 10]
    [ifelse (region = 4)  ; Centre-Est
        [set color 36 set energy 20]
    [ifelse (region = 5) ; Centre-Nord
        [set color 97 set energy 10]
    [ifelse (region = 6) ; Centre-Ouest
        [set color sky set energy 15]
    [ifelse (region = 7)  ; Centre-Sud
        [set color 27 set energy 20]
    [ifelse (region = 8) ; Est
        [set color 47 set energy 20]
    [ifelse (region = 9) ; Hauts-Bassins
        [set color 17 set energy 100]
    [ifelse (region = 10) ; Nord
        [set color blue set energy 40]
    [ifelse (region = 11) ; Plateau Central
        [set color 37 set energy 20]
    [ifelse (region = 12) ; Sahel
        [set color yellow set energy 160]
    [ifelse (region = 13) ; Sud-Ouest
        [set color 38 set energy 20]
    [ set color gray ]


; Drawing polygon data from a shapefile, and optionally loading some
; of the data into turtles, if label-countries is true

to display-regions
  ask region-labels [ die ]
  gis:set-drawing-color white
  gis:draw regions-dataset 1
  if label-regions
  [ foreach gis:feature-list-of regions-dataset [ vector-feature ->
      let centroid gis:location-of gis:centroid-of vector-feature
      ; centroid will be an empty list if it lies outside the bounds
      ; of the current NetLogo world, as defined by our current GIS
      ; coordinate transformation
      if not empty? centroid
      [ create-region-labels 1
        [ set xcor item 0 centroid
          set ycor item 1 centroid
          set size 0
          set label gis:property-value vector-feature "ADM1"

to display-raster-in-patches
  ; This is the preferred way of copying values from a raster dataset
  ; into a patch variable: in one step, using gis:apply-raster.
 gis:apply-raster regions_ras-dataset region
  ; Hopefully, this will color the patches accordingly
 ask patches [
    ifelse (region = 1) ; Boucle du Mohoun
    [ set pcolor 16]
    [ ifelse (region = 2) ; Cascades
      [set pcolor 15]
    [ifelse (region = 3)  ; Centre
        [set pcolor 16.5]
    [ifelse (region = 4)  ; Centre-Est
        [set pcolor 36]
    [ifelse (region = 5) ; Centre-Nord
        [set pcolor 97]
    [ifelse (region = 6) ; Centre-Ouest
        [set pcolor sky]
    [ifelse (region = 7)  ; Centre-Sud
        [set pcolor 27]
    [ifelse (region = 8) ; Est
        [set pcolor 47]
    [ifelse (region = 9) ; Hauts-Bassins
        [set pcolor 17]
    [ifelse (region = 10) ; Nord
        [set pcolor blue]
    [ifelse (region = 11) ; Plateau Central
        [set pcolor 37]
    [ifelse (region = 12) ; Sahel
        [set pcolor yellow]
    [ifelse (region = 13) ; Sud-Ouest
        [set pcolor 29]
    [ set pcolor gray ]

;to assign-origin ; Hopefully, this assigns an origin and MAYBE destination to migrants along
  ; with energy
 ; ask migrants [
   ; ifelse (region = 10)
    ;[ set origin 10
   ;   set energy 100
    ;  set destination

;;;;;;;;; 1975 ;;;;;;;;;;;

to year-1975

  ask migrants with [color = blue][
    face turtle 13 ]
  out-flow-1 ; Nord towards Boucle de Mouhoun

  ask migrants with [color = 95]
    [face turtle 13]  ; Centre Ouest to B de M
; check-settled

ask migrants with [color = 27]
    [face third 15]

   ask migrants with [color = 97]
  [face sixth 18]

  if ticks = 150 [ stop ] ;;specify when to stop model after migration occurs!

 ;to check-settled ;force turtles to stay in place

 ; end

to check-arrival ;changes the path color of the region to a mixed color
  ask patches with [ pcolor = 16  ]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = blue] [set pcolor 113] ]
  ask patches with [pcolor = 17]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = blue] [set pcolor 117 ] ]
  ask patches with [pcolor = yellow]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = blue] [set pcolor 57] ]
  ask patches with [pcolor = 16]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 95] [set pcolor 113]]
  ask patches with [pcolor = 47]
    [if any? migrants-here with [color = 27] [set pcolor 16] ]
  ask patches with [pcolor = 45]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 97 ] [set pcolor 66 ] ]

   ;supposed to change patches nearby to new color as well similar to diffuse color
    ;set pcolor violet]

to move-1975
  ask migrants with [color = blue]
    [rt random 90
    lt random 80
      fd 1
      if any? turtles-here [rt 180] ];;makes the turtles say relatively within the coutry by making them turn

  ask migrants with [color = 95]
    [ rt random 90
      lt random 80
      fd 1
     if any? turtles-here [rt 180] ]

  ask migrants with [color = 27]
    [ rt random 90
      lt random 80
      fd 1
      if any? turtles-here [rt 180] ]

  ask migrants with [color = 97]
  [rt random 90
  lt random 80
    fd .5
    if any? turtles-here [rt 180] ]

to out-flow-1 ;;OUT MIGRATION
  ask patches with [pcolor = 95] [
    if any? migrants-here with [color = 95] [set pcolor 96] ] ;changes centre ouest lighter
  ask patches with [pcolor = blue] [
    if any? migrants-here with [color = blue] [set pcolor 106] ] ;changes Nord lighter
  ask patches with [pcolor = 97] [
    if any? migrants-here with [color = 97] [set pcolor 98] ] ;changes centre nord lighter from out migration
  ask patches with [pcolor = 27] [
    if any? migrants-here with [color = 27] [set pcolor 28] ] ; lighter centre sud
;;;;;;;;; 1985 ;;;;;;;;;;;

to year-1985

  ask migrants with [color = blue] ; Nord to Cascades/ HB region
  [face fifth 17]

  ask migrants with [color = 97] ; Centre Nord to Boucle de Mouhoun
   [face turtle 13]

  ask migrants with [color = 95] ;;
  [face fifth 17]
  ask migrants with [color = 27]
  [face third 15]

  if ticks = 200 [stop]

to check-arrival-1
   ask patches with [ pcolor = 16  ]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = blue] [set pcolor violet] ] ;Nord to Boucle de Mouhoun
  ask patches with [pcolor = 17]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = blue] [set pcolor 113 ] ] ;Nord to Hauts Bassins
  ask patches with [pcolor = 16.5]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = blue] [set pcolor 113] ] ;Nord to Centre
 ask patches with [pcolor = 16.5]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 97] [set pcolor 115] ]
  ask patches with [pcolor = 15]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = blue] [set pcolor 113] ] ;Nord to Cascades
  ask patches with [pcolor = 47]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = blue] [set pcolor 57] ] ;Nord to Est
  ask patches with [pcolor = 17]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 97] [set pcolor 113]]
  ask patches with [pcolor = 95]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 97] [set pcolor 94]]
  ask patches with [pcolor = 15] [
    if any? migrants-here with [color = 95] [set pcolor 113]] ;centre nord to N. Cascades
 ask patches with [pcolor = 16.5]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 95] [set pcolor 115] ] ;centre nord to HB
  ask patches with [pcolor = 47]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 97] [set pcolor 57] ];Centre Nord to Est
  ask patches with [pcolor = 17]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 95] [set pcolor 113]]
  ask patches with [pcolor = 16] [
    if any? migrants-here with [color = 95] [set pcolor 115]]
  ask patches with [pcolor = 47] [
    if any? migrants-here with [color = 27][ set pcolor 16]]

   ;supposed to change patches nearby to new color as well similar to diffuse color
    ;set pcolor violet]

to move-1985
  ask migrants with [color = blue]
    [ rt random 90
      lt random 80
      fd 1.2
     if any? turtles-here [rt 180] ]

  ask migrants with [color = 95]
     [ rt random 50
      lt random 100
      fd .5
     if any? turtles-here [rt 180] ]

  ask migrants with [color = 97]
     [ rt random 80
      lt random 70
      fd 1
     if any? turtles-here [rt 180] ]

  ask migrants with [color = 27]
     [ rt random 70
      lt random 80
      fd 1
     if any? turtles-here [rt 180] ]

  ask migrants with [color = 36]
  [ rt random 70
      lt random 80
      fd 1
     if any? turtles-here [rt 180] ]

to out-flow-2
  ;ask patches with [pcolor = 95] [
  ;  if any? migrants-here with [color = 95] [set pcolor 96] ] ;changes centre ouest lighter
  ask patches with [pcolor = blue] [
    if any? migrants-here with [color = blue] [set pcolor 106] ] ;changes Nord lighter
  ask patches with [pcolor = 97] [
    if any? migrants-here with [color = 97] [set pcolor 98] ] ;changes centre nord lighter from out migration
  ask patches with [pcolor = 27] [
    if any? migrants-here with [color = 27] [set pcolor 28] ] ; lighter centre sud
;;;;;;;;; 1996 ;;;;;;;;;;;

to year-1996
 ask migrants with [color = blue]
  [face second 14] ;N Towards Cascades and Hauts Bassins Centre Sud
; check-settled ]

  ask migrants with [color = 97]
  [ face third 15]

  ask migrants with [color = 38]
  [face fourth 16]                      ;; to centre sud
  ask migrants with [color = 45]
  [face fifth 17 ]

   ask migrants with [color = 36]
  [face fourth 16 ]

  if ticks = 160 [stop]

to check-arrival-2
  ask patches with [pcolor = 15]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = blue] [set pcolor 113]]
   ask patches with [pcolor = 15]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 97] [set pcolor 113]] ; CASCADES color change influx
  ask patches with [pcolor = 15] [
    if any? migrants-here with [color = 45][set pcolor 113]]

  ask patches with [pcolor = 16] [
    if any? migrants-here with [pcolor = blue][set pcolor 115]] ; BDM color change influx
  ask patches with [pcolor = 16] [
    if any? migrants-here with [pcolor = 97][set pcolor 115]]
   ask patches with [ pcolor = 16  ]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = blue] [set pcolor 117]]
  ask patches with [pcolor = 16]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = blue] [set pcolor 117] ]
  ask patches with [pcolor = 16]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 45] [set pcolor 117] ]

  ask patches with [pcolor = 16.5]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = blue] [set pcolor 113]] ;Centre change
  ask patches with [pcolor = 16.5] [
  if any? migrants-here with [color = 38] [set pcolor 113]]
ask patches with [pcolor = 16.5]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 45] [set pcolor 113] ]

  ask patches with [pcolor = 17]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = blue] [set pcolor 113 ] ]
  ask patches with [pcolor = 17]                                    ;HB color change
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 97] [set pcolor 113]]
  ask patches with [pcolor = 17]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 95] [set pcolor 113]]
  ask patches with [pcolor = 17]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 45] [set pcolor 113] ]

  ask patches with [pcolor = 27] [
    if any? migrants-here with [color = 38][set pcolor 113]]

  ask patches with [pcolor = 47]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = blue] [set pcolor lime]]
  ask patches with [pcolor = 47]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 95] [set pcolor lime]]
  ask patches with [pcolor = 47]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 97] [set pcolor lime]]

  ask patches with [pcolor = 95]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 97] [set pcolor 94]]
  ask patches with [pcolor = 95]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = blue] [set pcolor 94] ]

  ask patches with [pcolor = 37][
    if any? migrants-here with [color = 38][set pcolor 113]]
  ask patches with [pcolor = 37]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 45] [set pcolor 113] ]

ask patches with [pcolor = 27][
    if any? migrants-here with [color = 36][set pcolor 113]]

to move-1996
  ask migrants with [color = blue] ;N to HB and Cascades highest influx
     [ rt random 90
      lt random 60
      fd 1.1
     if any? turtles-here [rt 180] ]

  ask migrants with [color = 97]
    [ rt random 90
      lt random 80
      fd .4
     if any? turtles-here [rt 180] ]

  ask migrants with [color = 45]
  [ lt random 20 rt random 35 fd .2]

ask migrants with [color = 38]
  [ lt random 80
    rt random 30
    fd .2 ]

  ask migrants with [color = 36] ;S
  [ lt random 60
    rt random 80
    fd .1 ]

to out-flow-3

  ask patches with [pcolor = blue] [                 ;;Out flux from north
    if any? migrants-here with [color = blue] [set pcolor 106]]

    ask patches with [pcolor = 45] [                 ;;Out flux from sahel
    if any? migrants-here with [color = 45] [set pcolor 46]]

  ask patches with [pcolor = 36] [
    if any? migrants-here with [color = 36][set pcolor 38]]

;;;;;;;;; 2006 ;;;;;;;;;;;

to year-2006
  ask migrants with [color = blue] ; Nord to Cascades/ HB region
  [face fourth 16]

  ask migrants with [color = 97] ;
    [face second 14]

  ask migrants with [color = 95]
 [face third 15]

  ask migrants with [color = 38]
  [face fifth 17]

  ask migrants with [color = 36]
  [face fifth 17]

   ask migrants with [color = 16]
  [face fifth 17]

 ask migrants with [color = 45]
  [face fifth 17]

  if ticks = 150 [stop]

to check-arrival-3
  ; ask patches with [ pcolor = 16  ]
  ;[if any? migrants-here with [color = blue] [set pcolor violet] ] ;Nord to Boucle de Mouhoun
   ask patches with [pcolor = 15]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 95] [set pcolor 113]]
  ask patches with [pcolor = 15]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 97] [set pcolor 113]]
  ask patches with [pcolor = 15]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = blue] [set pcolor 113]]
  ask patches with [pcolor = 15]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 38] [set pcolor 113]]

  ask patches with [pcolor = 16.5]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = blue] [set pcolor 113] ] ;Nord to Centre

  ask patches with [pcolor = 17]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = blue] [set pcolor 113 ] ] ;Nord to Hauts Bassins
   ask patches with [pcolor = 17]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 97] [set pcolor 113]]
   ask patches with [pcolor = 17]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 36 ] [set pcolor 113]]

  ask patches with [pcolor = 47]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = blue] [set pcolor lime] ] ;Nord to Est
  ask patches with [pcolor = 47]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 97] [set pcolor lime]]
  ask patches with [pcolor = 47]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 95] [set pcolor lime]]

  ask patches with [pcolor = 27]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = blue] [ set pcolor 132]]

to move-2006
  ask migrants with [color = blue]
     [ rt random 40
      lt random 100
      fd .1
     if any? turtles-here [rt 180] ]

  ask migrants with [color = 97]
    [ rt random 90
      lt random 60
      fd 1
     if any? turtles-here [rt 180] ]

  ask migrants with [color = 95]
    [ rt random 90
      lt random 60
      fd .1
     if any? turtles-here [rt 180] ]

  ask migrants with [color = 38]
  [ rt random 90
      lt random 60
      fd 1
     if any? turtles-here [rt 180] ]

   ask migrants with [color = 36] ; to N cascades
  [ rt random 70
      lt random 60
      fd 1
     if any? turtles-here [rt 180] ]

  ask migrants with [color = 45]
   [ rt random 50
      lt random 30
      fd 1
     if any? turtles-here [rt 180] ]

to out-flow-4
  ask patches with [pcolor = 37]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 37] [set pcolor 38]]

  ask patches with [pcolor = 16]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 16][set pcolor 17]]

  ask patches with [pcolor = 45]
  [if any? migrants-here with [color = 45][set pcolor 46]]

  ask patches with [pcolor = 29]
 [if any? migrants-here with [color = 38][set pcolor 9]]

; Public Domain: Creation by C.T. West & J.L. Deview of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
; Information from C. T. West's research in Burkina Faso and census data.

There are 4 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Jenny Deview over 3 years ago Improved migrant movement and color visualization Download this version
Jenny Deview over 3 years ago Improved migrant movement and color visualization Download this version
Jenny Deview over 3 years ago Improved migrant movement and color visualization Download this version
Jenny Deview almost 4 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
BFA_adm1_UTM.cpg data Burkina Faso Regions Vector cpg file almost 4 years ago, by Jenny Deview Download
BFA_adm1_UTM.dbf data Burkina Faso dbf file almost 4 years ago, by Jenny Deview Download
BFA_adm1_UTM.prj data Burkina Faso Regions prj file almost 4 years ago, by Jenny Deview Download
BFA_adm1_UTM.sbn data Burkina Faso sbn file almost 4 years ago, by Jenny Deview Download
BFA_adm1_UTM.sbx data Burkina Faso sbx file almost 4 years ago, by Jenny Deview Download
BFA_adm1_UTM.shp data Burkina Faso regions shapefile almost 4 years ago, by Jenny Deview Download
BFA_adm1_UTM.shx data Burkina Faso regions shx file almost 4 years ago, by Jenny Deview Download
bfa_adm1_utm_ascii.asc data Burkina Faso Raster ascii file almost 4 years ago, by Jenny Deview Download
BFA_adm1_UTM_ascii.prj data Burkina Faso Raster projection file almost 4 years ago, by Jenny Deview Download
Burkina Faso Migration Flows.png preview Preview for 'Burkina Faso Migration Flows' almost 4 years ago, by Jenny Deview Download

This model does not have any ancestors.

This model does not have any descendants.