membership numbers
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A model to see how membership of the Craft can grow or decline depending on introduction of new members by present members, rate of attrition due to resignation and death.
Probability of dying is a function of age. With each tick a member's age would grow older by one year, and the probabiltiy of dying is a function of -0.42084975 + 0.00801353*age.
r=0.8489 df = 91 p < 0.00001 (calculation based on data from US Social Security website., last accessed 18/9/2020)
The asumption that each year 5% of the members will leave the Craft, observe what might happen.
The number of members at the start is set by the slider start-number-of-members.
The probability of each member introducing a new member is set by the slider "Likelihood-introduce" which is in percentage form.
The probability of members resigning is set by the slider "probability-resign".
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Comments and Questions
Globals [ ] turtles-own [ age %NewMember ] to setup ca reset-ticks clear-plot crt start-number-of-members [ set shape "person" set color blue ;; blue = master mason setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2 set age random 30 + 40 ;; chance of introducing a new member each year. set %NewMember random-normal (likelihood-introduce / 100) 0.1 ] ask n-of 3 turtles [set color white] ;; white = EA or FC end to go ; each tick represent 1 year ; check for advancement of EA/FC to blue ; check for resignation, assuming %resignation ; check for additional member. Only MM can introduce new member ask turtles with [color = blue] [ if random-float 1 < %NewMember [hatch 1 [ set age random 30 + 30 set color white set shape "person" set size 2 setxy random-xcor random-ycor set %NewMember random-normal (likelihood-introduce / 100) 0.1 ] ] ] ;; check for resignation. ask turtles [if random-float 1 < (percent-resigned / 100) [die] ] ;; check for -> MM ask turtles with [color = white] [ if random-float 1 < 0.9 [set color blue] ; 90% chance of becoming MM in one year ] ;; add 1 year to age and check for deaths ask turtles [ set age age + 1 let probability-of-dying chance-of-dying age if random-float 1 < probability-of-dying [die] ] ; draw-histogram ; plot-EA/FC tick if count turtles < 7 [stop] ; if less than 7 members, the lodge dies ; if ticks > 150 [stop] end to-report chance-of-dying [declared-age] let %dying -0.42084975 + 0.00801353 * declared-age report %dying end to draw-histogram histogram [age] of turtles set-plot-x-range 30 80 set-histogram-num-bars 10 end to plot-EA/FC plot count turtles with [color = white] end
There is only one version of this model, created over 3 years ago by Ronald Paul Ng.
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