Infectious disease outbreak-vaccination vs. masking

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This model allows students to compare the effects of vaccination and masking on the max daily cases and epidemic duration in a population. Both human beings and viruses are represented in the model.


  1. Susceptible-infectious-recovered (SIR) model is used to build the present model.

  2. The model starts with a population of susceptible people (green) and one infectious person (orange). The infectious person carries the virus strain with a transmission rate defined by the transmission-rate slide.

  3. In each tick, each unmasked infectious person produces a new virus with the same transmission rate. We assume no mutation in this model. The masked infectious person produces a new virus at a 50% of chance (i.e., the mask may prevent them from releasing the same amount of viruses to the environment).

  4. The new virus may float 0.5 steps in a random direction and infect one of susceptible people within a radius of 1.5 at its transmission rate. The virus loses its ability to infect people if no susceptible people are within the infection radius.

  5. Infectious people remain contagious for six days. They either recover (become blue) or die at a mortality rate of 10%. No new people join this model.

  6. Users may set up the percentage of masking in the population. The masked infectious people release 50% less viable viruses than unmasked infectious people. The transmission rate of a virus decreases by 50% when infecting a masked susceptible person (i.e., 70% become 35%, 50% become 25%, and so on).

  7. Users may set up the percentage of vaccinated people in the population. The present model assumes the vaccinated people will not be infected. However, the vaccinated people may get a breakthrough infection at a low chance when viruses mutate.


  1. First, choose the factors, such as population size, transmission rate, etc.

  2. Click on Set up/Reset, then Run/Pause. The model is set to stop when there are no infectious people.

  3. Observe the infection changes in the population in the plot and monitor.

  4. Use Run one day to run the model in a controlled way and collect day-by-day data.


Collect the data of the max daily cases and epidemic duration to examine the effects of vaccination rates and % of masking.


Find this model series at

  • Infectious Disease Outbreak-Basic Phenomenon
  • Infectious Disease Outbreak-Transmission and mortality
  • Infectious Disease Outbreak-Population Comparison
  • Infectious Disease Outbreak-HealthCare, Isolation and Quarantine
  • Infectious Disease Outbreak-Social distancing
  • Infectious Disease Outbreak-Vaccination
  • Infectious Disease Outbreak-SEIR model
  • Infectious Disease Outbreak-variants


Dr. Lin Xiang ( created this model at the University of Kentucky in 2023. If you mention this model in a publication, we ask that you include the citations below.

Xiang, L. (2023). Infectious Disease Outbreak-vaccination and masking. Department of STEM Education, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit

Science Brief: Community Use of Masks to Control the Spread of SARS-CoV-2

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Click to Run Model

breed [persons person]
breed [viruses virus]

persons-own [infectious-period p-contagious susceptible infectious immunity vaccination]
viruses-own [infection infection-period]

Patches-own [ ]
Globals [max-daily-cases breakthrough]

;   Setup procedures

to setup
  set-default-shape viruses "c-virus-0"



to set-patches
  ask patches [set pcolor 9 + random-float 1]

to setup-people
  let masking (population * %-of-masking / 100)
  ask n-of masking  patches
  [ sprout-persons 1
    [set size 0.9
     set color 56
      set shape "person-1"
     set susceptible true
     set infectious false
     set immunity 0
     set infectious-period 0
     set vaccination false

    ask n-of (population - masking) patches
  [ sprout-persons 1
    [set size 0.9
     set color 56
     set shape "person-0"
     set susceptible true
     set infectious false
     set immunity 0
     set infectious-period 0
     set vaccination false

 let vaccinated (population * Vaccination-rate / 100)
  ask n-of vaccinated persons with [susceptible = true and infectious = false]
  [set susceptible false
   set infectious false
   set immunity Transmission-Rate
   set p-contagious Transmission-Rate
   set vaccination true
    set color 97]

to add-an-infectious
  ask one-of persons
  [set color 27
   set susceptible false
   set infectious true
   set p-contagious Transmission-Rate
   hatch-viruses 1 [
      set size 0.5
      set infection Transmission-Rate
      set color 35

;   Go procedures

to go

  if ticks > 0 and not any? persons with [susceptible = false and infectious = true] [stop]


to move
  ask viruses
  [right random 360 forward 0.5]

to produce-viruses
  ask persons with [susceptible = false and infectious = true]                   ;ask infectious people
  [ifelse shape = "person-1"                      ;if masking
    [if random 100 < 50                             ;at a chance of 50%
      [hatch-viruses 1 [                              ;produce a new virus
        set size 0.5                                ;set the size of a virus
          set infection [p-contagious] of myself  ;not mutate
        set color 35
        ;set-v-color]                                ;set virus color based on infection rate

    [hatch-viruses 1 [                              ;if no masking, always produce a new virus
        set size 0.5                                ;set the size of a virus
        set infection [p-contagious] of myself  ;not mutate
        set color 35
      ;set-v-color]]                                ;set virus color based on infection rate

to infect
  ask viruses
  [if any? persons with [infectious = false] in-radius 1.5
    [let infected-person one-of persons with [infectious = false] in-radius 1.5
       [immunity] of infected-person > 0 and [shape] of infected-person = "person-1"  ;mutation lead to breakthough infection to a masked person,
           [if random 1000 < (0.05 * abs (infection - [immunity] of infected-person))     ;cut down 50% infection rate
               [move-to infected-person
                 ask infected-person
                  [set color 27
                   set susceptible false
                   set infectious true
                   set p-contagious [infection] of myself
                   set immunity [infection] of myself        ;update immunity
             set breakthrough breakthrough + 1 die]]    ;ask virus to die after infecting a person

        [immunity] of infected-person > 0 and [shape] of infected-person = "person-0"  ;mutation lead to breakthough infection to an unmasked person,
            [if random 1000 < (0.1 * abs (infection - [immunity] of infected-person))     ;cut down 50% infection rate
              [move-to infected-person
               ask infected-person
                 [set color 27
                  set susceptible false
                  set infectious true
                  set p-contagious [infection] of myself
                  set immunity [infection] of myself        ;update immunity
               set breakthrough breakthrough + 1 die]]    ;ask virus to die after infecting a person

        [immunity] of infected-person = 0 and [shape] of infected-person = "person-1"  ;first infection to a masked person,
            [if random 100 < infection * 0.5                       ;cut down 50% infection rate
               [move-to infected-person
                 ask infected-person
                  [set color 27
                   set susceptible false
                   set infectious true
                   set p-contagious [infection] of myself
                   set immunity [infection] of myself        ;update immunity
                die]]    ;ask virus to die after infecting a person

        [immunity] of infected-person = 0 and [shape] of infected-person = "person-0"  ;first infection to an unmasked person,
            [if random 100 < infection
              [move-to infected-person
               ask infected-person
                [set color 27
                  set susceptible false
                  set infectious true
                  set p-contagious [infection] of myself
                  set immunity [infection] of myself        ;update immunity
                die]])    ;ask virus to die after infecting a person

to virus-ability
 ask viruses
  [ifelse infection-period >= 2 [die][set infection-period infection-period + 1]]

to recover
  ask persons with [susceptible = false and infectious = true]
  [ifelse infectious-period >= 7
    [ifelse random 100 < 10 [die] [set color 97 set susceptible false set infectious false set infectious-period 0]]   ;mortality equals 10%
    [set infectious-period infectious-period + 1]

;   supporting procedures

to set-v-color   ; set colors of viruses
    infection >= 80  [set color 15]
    infection < 80 and infection >= 60 [set color 127]
    infection < 60 and infection >= 40 [set color 117]
    infection < 40 and infection >= 20 [set color 35]
    infection < 20  [set color 75])

to plot-levels ;; this creates creates the bar graph
    set-current-plot "People infected by variants with different transmissibilities"
    set-current-plot-pen "< 20%"
  plotxy 0 count persons with [p-contagious < 20 and p-contagious > 0]
    set-current-plot-pen "20%~39%"
  plotxy 1 count persons with [p-contagious < 40 and p-contagious >= 20]
    set-current-plot-pen "40%~59%"
  plotxy 2 count persons with [p-contagious < 60 and p-contagious >= 40]
    set-current-plot-pen "60%~79%"
  plotxy 3 count persons with [p-contagious < 80 and p-contagious >= 60]
    set-current-plot-pen ">= 80%"
  plotxy 4 count persons with [p-contagious >= 80]

to set-p-color  ; set colors of people
  ask persons
 [ (ifelse
    p-contagious >= 80 and vaccination = false [set color 15]
    p-contagious < 80 and p-contagious >= 60 and vaccination = false [set color 127.5]
    p-contagious < 60 and p-contagious >= 40 and vaccination = false [set color 117.5]
    p-contagious < 40 and p-contagious >= 20 and vaccination = false [set color 36]
    p-contagious < 20 and p-contagious > 0 and vaccination = false  [set color 75]
    p-contagious = 0 [set color 7]

to set-SIR-color
  ask persons
 [ (ifelse
    susceptible = true and infectious = false [set color 56]
    susceptible = false and infectious = true [set color 27]
    susceptible = false and infectious = false [set color 97]
    susceptible = true and infectious = true [set color 0])]

;to color-code
 ; Color-coding-modes = "Susceptible-infectious-recovered" [set-SIR-color]
 ; Color-coding-modes = "Variant transmission rates" [set-p-color])

to find-max-daily-cases
  if count persons with [susceptible = false and infectious = true] > max-daily-cases        ;Count the infectious.If it is greater than the current record of max daily cases
  [set max-daily-cases count persons with [susceptible = false and infectious = true]]       ;update the max daily case

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lin xiang almost 2 years ago Initial upload Download this version

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Infectious disease outbreak-vaccination vs. masking.png preview Preview for 'Infectious disease outbreak-vaccination vs. masking' almost 2 years ago, by lin xiang Download

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