Urban (System Dynamics)

Urban (System Dynamics) preview image

1 collaborator

20160405_001940000_ios Hendra Kusumah (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 6.3.0 • Viewed 152 times • Downloaded 6 times • Run 0 times
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extensions [table]
globals [table1 table2  table3 table4 table5 table6]

to setup


  let mylist1 [[0 0.2] [0.2 0.25] [0.4 0.35] [0.6 0.5] [0.8 0.7] [1 1] [1.2 1.35] [1.4 1.6] [1.6 1.8] [1.8 1.96] [2 2] ]
  set table1 table:from-list mylist1

  let mylist2 [[0 2] [0.2 1.95] [0.4 1.8] [0.6 1.6] [0.8 1.35] [1 1] [1.2 0.5] [1.4 0.3] [1.6 0.2] [1.8 0.15] [2 0.1] ]
  set table2 table:from-list mylist2

  let mylist3 [[0 1.4] [0.2 1.4] [0.4 1.35] [0.6 1.3] [0.8 1.15] [1 1] [1.2 0.8] [1.4 0.65] [1.6 0.5] [1.8 0.45] [2 0.4] ]
  set table3 table:from-list mylist3

  let mylist4 [[0 0.2] [0.2 0.25] [0.4 0.35] [0.6 0.5] [0.8 0.7] [1 1] [1.2 1.35] [1.4 1.6] [1.6 1.8] [1.8 1.95] [2 2] ]
  set table4 table:from-list mylist4

  let mylist5 [[0 0.4] [0.1 0.7] [0.2 1] [0.3 1.25] [0.4 1.45] [0.5 1.5] [0.6 1.5] [0.7 1.4] [0.8 1] [0.9 0.5] [1 0] ]
  set table5 table:from-list mylist5

  let mylist6 [[0 1] [0.1 1.15] [0.2 1.3] [0.3 1.4] [0.4 1.45] [0.5 1.4] [0.6 1.3] [0.7 0.9] [0.8 0.5] [0.9 0.25] [1 0] ]
  set table6 table:from-list mylist6

to go

;  set-current-plot "urban"

  if ticks >= 100 [stop]

to do-plot

  set-current-plot "Business"
  set-current-plot-pen "Business"
  plotxy ticks Business
  set-current-plot "Housing"
  set-current-plot-pen "Housing"
  plotxy ticks Housing
  set-current-plot "Population"
  set-current-plot-pen "Population"
  plotxy ticks Population
;  set-current-plot "trees"
;  set-current-plot-pen "tabonuco"
;  plotxy ticks amount-of-tabonuco
;  set-current-plot-pen "yagrumo"
;  plotxy ticks amount-of-yagrumo

to-report lookup1 [key]  ;; if you really want ...

  let newKey precision key 1

  let n ifelse-value table:has-key? table1 newKey [newKey]

  [ifelse-value ((newKey * 10) mod 2 = 0) and (newKey <= 2) [precision newKey 1] [1]]

;  [0.8]

  let value table:get table1 n
  report value

to-report lookup2 [key]  ;; if you really want ...

  let newKey precision key 1

  let n ifelse-value table:has-key? table2 newKey [newKey]

  [ifelse-value ((newKey * 10) mod 2 = 0) and (newKey <= 2) [precision newKey 1] [1]]

;  [0.8]

  let value table:get table2 n
  report value

to-report lookup3 [key]  ;; if you really want ...

  let newKey precision key 1

  let n ifelse-value table:has-key? table3 newKey [newKey]

  [ifelse-value ((newKey * 10) mod 2 = 0) and (newKey <= 2) [precision newKey 1] [1]]

;  [0.8]

  let value table:get table3 n
  report value

to-report lookup4 [key]  ;; if you really want ...

  let newKey precision key 1

  let n ifelse-value table:has-key? table4 newKey [newKey]

  [ifelse-value ((newKey * 10) mod 2 = 0) and (newKey <= 2) [precision newKey 1] [1]]

;  [0.8]

  let value table:get table4 n
  report value

to-report lookup5 [key]  ;; if you really want ...

  let newKey precision key 1

  let n ifelse-value table:has-key? table5 newKey [newKey]

  [ifelse-value ((newKey * 10) mod 2 != 0) and (newKey <= 1) [precision newKey 1] [0]]

;  [0.8]

  let value table:get table5 n
  report value

to-report lookup6 [key]  ;; if you really want ...

  let newKey precision key 1

  let n ifelse-value table:has-key? table6 newKey [newKey]

  [ifelse-value ((newKey * 10) mod 2 != 0) and (newKey <= 1) [precision newKey 1] [0.5]]

;  [0.8]

  let value table:get table6 n
  report value

There is only one version of this model, created over 1 year ago by Hendra Kusumah.

Attached files

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Urban (System Dynamics).png preview Preview for 'Urban (System Dynamics)' over 1 year ago, by Hendra Kusumah Download

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