Squareville: Wastewater Surveillance for COVID-19
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breed [persons person] breed [viruses virus] breed [plants plant] persons-own [ home-x home-y incubation-period ;each person is assigned an incubation period at the beginning. This variable is used to determine how soon the people change from exposed to infectious state. incubation-period-value ;this variable stores the original incubation period and is used to check the average incubation period. infectious-period ;This variable is used to track people's disease periods contacts ;number of susceptible contacts in defined infection radius infected-by-me ;total number of people I infect (numerical results) infect-any? ;whether I have infected any one (true/false) ] viruses-own [ viability-period ;viral viability in treatment plant in-plant? ;check if the virus has been in the plant (true/false) ] Patches-own [ p-type ;define patch type 0 = town/community, 1 = pipe, 2 = plant, 3 = wild area, 4 = creek, 5 = testing location ] Globals [ main-pipe-xcor ;the most right vertical pipe main-pipe-ycor ;the lowest horizental pipe max-daily-cases infection-number ;total of people are infected infector-number ;total of people who infected at least one other person virus-yield ;record the number of viruses that are produced start-record? ;trigger data recording prevalence-list ;This list stores the cumulative infected (include both E and I states) once local survaillence is triggered. RNA-copies ;Coronvirous RNA copies individual-RNA-contribution ;Copies of RNA increase by each person R0-list ;create a list of ongoing R0 death-toll ] to-report R0 if any? persons with [infect-any? = true] [report infection-number / infector-number] ;This is the effective R0. A cross check is the total infected (E and I and R) dvided by total people with [infect-any? = true] end to-report c report mean [contacts] of persons with [color = 26] ;only E people may infect others so only count the susceptibles of E end to-report infectious-period-of-exposed report mean [incubation-period-value] of persons with [color = 26] ;avergage incubation periods of exposed people . end to-report R-t report (0.01 * transmission-rate) * c * infectious-period-of-exposed ;only E may infect others so use incubation period rather than disease period to calculate Rt end to-report sewer-patches report patches with [p-type = 1] end to-report susceptible-people report persons with [color = 55] end to-report exposed-people report persons with [color = 26] end to-report infectious-people ;these are symptomatic people. they are quarantined or isolated so they cannot infect others. report persons with [color = red] end to-report recovered-people report persons with [color = sky] end to-report local-surveillance-infection ;report the first prevalence in the prevalence list if ticks > 0 and not empty? prevalence-list [report item 0 prevalence-list] end to-report central-surveillance-infection ;report the last prevalence in the prevalence list if ticks > 0 and length prevalence-list = Central-testing-duration [report item (central-testing-duration - 1) prevalence-list] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; Setup procedures ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to setup clear-all set-default-shape viruses "c-virus-0" set-default-shape persons "person-0" set-patches setup-people add-an-carrier find-contacts set start-record? false set prevalence-list [] set R0-list [] set death-toll 0 reset-ticks end to set-patches ask patches [set pcolor white set p-type 0 ] ;set background ask patches with [pycor <= 40] [set pcolor 9 set p-type 3] ;set wild field ask patches with [pycor <= min-pxcor + 4] [set pcolor 105 set p-type 4] ;set a creek ;set horizontal pipe ask patches [if remainder (pycor - 2) 25 = 0 and pycor > 40 and pycor <= max-pycor and pxcor >= 2 and pxcor <= max-pxcor - 2 [set pcolor 89 set p-type 1]] ;set vertical pipes ask patches [if remainder (pxcor - 2) 35 = 0 and pxcor >= 10 and pxcor <= max-pxcor and pycor <= max-pycor - 2 and pycor >= 45 [set pcolor 89 set p-type 1]] ;connect to plant if any? patches with [p-type = 1] [let y min [pycor] of patches with [p-type = 1] let lowest-patch patches with [p-type = 1 and pycor = y] ;let connecting-patch lowest-patch with-max [pxcor] let x max [pxcor] of lowest-patch ask patches with [pxcor = x and pycor = y] [set pcolor 88] ;label the correct connecting point ask patches with [pxcor = x and pycor < y and pycor >= min-pycor + 20 ] [set pcolor 89 set p-type 1] ;extend the pipline ;set the plant create-plants 1 [set shape "w-plant" set size 14 set color 89 setxy x 11.5] set main-pipe-xcor x ;record the main-pipe xcor set main-pipe-ycor y ;record the lowest pipe's ycor ask patches with [pxcor = main-pipe-xcor and pycor = 20] [set pcolor red] ] end to setup-people ask n-of population patches with [p-type = 0] [sprout-persons 1 [set size 2.75 set color 55 set shape "person-0" set home-x xcor set home-y ycor set incubation-period precision (random-normal 6 2) 0 ;set an incubation period based on normal distribution a mean of 6 and a SD of 2 set incubation-period-value incubation-period ;set an incubation period value for tracking the change in incubation period set infectious-period 0 set infected-by-me 0 set infect-any? false ] ] ;set individual RNA shed contribution based on population size. Equation from Data from Marc Johnson in MO 9The 10^9 copies of RNA per infected person gets diluted into the bulk wastewater.) set individual-RNA-contribution (1000 / (1.1355 * population - 900)) ;900 is used to adjust the function for running a smaller population end to add-an-carrier ask one-of persons [set color 26 ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; Go procedures ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to go if ticks > 0 and (not any? exposed-people and not any? infectious-people) [stop] set RNA-copies 0 ;reset the number of RNA-copies at the testing site each tick move-viruses ;put move-virus before produce-viruses make the newly produced viruses arrive the plant the next day or later. move-people (ifelse Issue-lockdown? = "none" ;This is for comparing local and certral surveillance [SEIR] Issue-lockdown? = "local" ;This is for gathering LOCAL alert prevalence [if length prevalence-list = 1 [set Transmission-rate 1 set %-travelers 5] SEIR] Issue-lockdown? = "central" ;This is for gathering CENTRAL alert prevalence [if length prevalence-list = Central-testing-duration [set Transmission-rate 1 set %-travelers 5] SEIR]) find-contacts find-max-daily-cases calculate-average-R0 surveillance disinfected back-home plot-infection-over-R0 tick end to SEIR incubation ;E->I ;put incubation before infect to update incubation period in the next day infect ;S->E produce-viruses recover ;I->E end to move-people ask up-to-n-of ((count persons with [color != red]) * %-travelers * 0.01) persons with [color != red] ;let up to 10% of the people who are not symptomatics to randomly move [setxy random-xcor (41 + random (max-pycor - 41))] end to move-viruses ;viruses arrive plant in a day ask viruses with [xcor = main-pipe-xcor and ycor = 20] ;move the virues at the testing site down one patch to empty the testing site [setxy main-pipe-xcor 19] ask viruses with [xcor != main-pipe-xcor or ycor > 20] ;move the newly produced viruses to the testing site [setxy main-pipe-xcor 20 set in-plant? true] end to produce-viruses ask exposed-people ;ask exposed-infected people [let sewer min-one-of sewer-patches [distance myself] ;find the closest sewer if random 100 < 43 [ hatch-viruses 1 ;produce a new virus at a chance of 43% [set size 0.75 ;set the size of a virus set color 35 setxy [pxcor] of sewer [pycor] of sewer set viability-period 1 set virus-yield virus-yield + 1 set in-plant? false ] ]] end to infect ; S->E ask exposed-people; with [contacts > 0] [if any? susceptible-people in-radius infection-radius ;if any susceptible people nearby [repeat count susceptible-people in-radius infection-radius ;repeat the times of susceptible contacts to contact all these contacts [if random 1000 < (Transmission-Rate * 10) ;at the chance of transmission rate [let infected-person one-of susceptible-people in-radius infection-radius ;pick one of the susceptible people in the infection radius ask infected-person ;infect him/her [set color 26] ;change color. No need to set the infection-period as it is updated in recover procedure set infected-by-me infected-by-me + 1 ;update how many people I have infected if infect-any? = false ;if it is new infector [set infect-any? true ;update infection record set infector-number infector-number + 1] ;update total number of of infectors set infection-number infection-number + 1]]]] ;update total number of infection end to incubation ;E->I ask exposed-people [ifelse incubation-period > 0 [set incubation-period (incubation-period - 1)] [set color red]] end to recover ;I->R ask infectious-people [ifelse infectious-period >= 14 ; set disease period as 2 weeks. This period does not affect R0 as it is assumed that infected people are well isolated and do not transmit the disease. [ifelse random 100 < 3 ; mortality equals 3% [set death-toll death-toll + 1 die] [set color sky set infectious-period 0]] [set infectious-period infectious-period + 1] ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; supporting procedures ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to find-max-daily-cases if count infectious-people > max-daily-cases ;Count the infectious.If it is greater than the current record of max daily cases [set max-daily-cases count infectious-people] ;update the max daily case end to disinfected ask viruses with [xcor = main-pipe-xcor and ycor = 19] ; ask viruses in the treatment plant to die after 1 days ro save compute power. [ifelse viability-period > 0 [set viability-period viability-period - 1] [die]] end to find-contacts ask persons [set contacts count other persons with [color = 55] in-radius infection-radius] end to surveillance if (count viruses-on patch main-pipe-xcor 20) * individual-RNA-contribution >= Surveillance-threshold [set start-record? true] if start-record? = true [if length prevalence-list < Central-testing-duration [ set prevalence-list lput (precision (infection-number * 100 / Population) 2) prevalence-list]] end to plot-infection-over-R0 ;;; this creates creates the scotter plot graph set-current-plot "Prevalence under Local vs. Central Surveillance" clear-plot plot-pen-down set-current-plot-pen "Day 1(Local)" if any? persons with [infect-any? = true] and length prevalence-list >= 1 [plotxy 1 item 0 prevalence-list] set-current-plot-pen "Day 2" if any? persons with [infect-any? = true] and length prevalence-list >= 2 [plotxy 2 item 1 prevalence-list] set-current-plot-pen "Day 3" if any? persons with [infect-any? = true] and length prevalence-list >= 3 [plotxy 3 item 2 prevalence-list] set-current-plot-pen "Day 4(Central)" if any? persons with [infect-any? = true] and length prevalence-list >= 4 [plotxy 4 item 3 prevalence-list] set-current-plot-pen "Day 5(Central)" if any? persons with [infect-any? = true] and length prevalence-list >= 5 [plotxy 5 item 4 prevalence-list] set-current-plot-pen "Day 6(Central)" if any? persons with [infect-any? = true] and length prevalence-list >= 6 [plotxy 6 item 5 prevalence-list] set-current-plot-pen "Day 7(Central)" if any? persons with [infect-any? = true] and length prevalence-list >= 7 [plotxy 7 item 6 prevalence-list] end to calculate-average-R0 if any? exposed-people with [infect-any? = true ] [set R0-list lput (precision R0 2) R0-list] end to back-home ask persons with [xcor != home-x or ycor != home-y] [setxy home-x home-y] End
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