Chain reaction with moderator and the two isotopes of Uran
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This simple model illustrates how a nuclear reator or atomic bomb works and in particular how much of the fission energy in URAN-235 is detonated. The number of initial Uran-235 nucleis can be varied with a slider. Upon "go" one neutron is fired from the middle area. In some case this neutron escapes the area without hitting a Uran-235 nuclei and then nothing id detonated. If a neutron hits a Uran235 nuceli a Uran-236 nuclei is formed (this isotop is in a unstable excited state). The Uran-235 nucleis are blue and the Uran-236 are green.
The decay-konstant for Uran-236 kan also be varied, but eventually they will decay and the daugther nuceli is respresented by one white dot.
Try to see how the number of URAN235 versus URAN238 changes the percentage of fissioned materiale
The number of simulations, that is averaged over is set inside the code. The number of initial neutrons can be important.
The model can be extended by adding deacy of the daugther nuclei, or adding energy-momentum conservation. Several other features.
GasLab Free Gas
Author: Solveig Skadhauge (after work of Birgitte Thestrup Nielsen)
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit
The model is based on part of the Netlogo model "GasLab Free Gas"
- Wilensky, U. (1997). NetLogo GasLab Free Gas model. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
NetLogo software:
- Wilensky, U. (1999). NetLogo. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
Comments and Questions
globals [ decay-constant number-of-simulations count-simulation average ] Breed [ Neutrons Neutron ] Breed [ Moderators moderator ] Breed [ URAN235s URAN235 ] Breed [ URAN236s URAN236 ] Breed [ URAN238s URAN238 ] Breed [ DaugtherXs DaugtherX ] Breed [ DaugtherYs DaugtherY ] ; Programmet anvender kun en datterkerne, men i virkeligheden, burde der være to Neutrons-own [ speed ] ;; procedure for setup button to setup clear-all set number-of-simulations 10 ;; Her ændres på antallet af simuleringer som man midler over. set average 0 set count-simulation 1 set-default-shape Moderators "molecule water" set-default-shape Neutrons "dot" set-default-shape URAN235s "orbit 6" set-default-shape URAN236s "orbit 6" set-default-shape URAN238s "orbit 6" set-default-shape DaugtherXs "dot" setup-particles ;; restarts tick-counter end to setup-particles create-URAN235s number-URAN235 [setup-URAN235s ] create-URAN238s number-URAN238 [setup-URAN238s ] create-Moderators number-moderator [setup-moderators ] fire-Neutron reset-ticks end to setup-Neutrons set color red set size 1 set speed 2 set heading random 360 end to setup-moderators set color orange set size 2 setxy random-xcor random-ycor end to setup-URAN235s set color blue set size 1 setxy random-xcor random-ycor end to setup-URAN238s set color yellow set size 1 setxy random-xcor random-ycor end to setup-URAN236 set size 1 set color green end ;; procedure for go/stop buttom to go move-Neutrons decay react if (not any? Neutrons) and (not any? URAN236s) [ if-else count-simulation < number-of-simulations [ print ( number-URAN235 - count URAN235s ) / number-URAN235 set count-simulation (count-simulation + 1) set average (average + count URAN235s) ask turtles [die] setup-particles clear-all-plots ] [ print ( number-URAN235 - count URAN235s ) / number-URAN235 type "Middelværdi: " print (number-of-simulations * number-URAN235 - (average + count URAN235s)) / (number-of-simulations * number-URAN235) print "nu stopper programmet" stop ] ] tick end to fire-Neutron ; Her dannes et antal neutroner - evt. undersg om antallet er stabilt. create-Neutrons 10 [ setup-Neutrons setxy 0 0 set heading random 360 ] end to move-Neutrons ask Neutrons [ if-else not can-move? ( speed * 1 ) [ die ] [forward (speed * 1 )] ] end ;; procedure for fusion of particles to something kin of compund nucleus to react ask Neutrons with [speed = 2] [ if any? URAN235s-here [ if (random-float 1 < 0.1 ) [ hatch-URAN236s 1 [setup-URAN236] ask one-of URAN235s-here [ die ] ask one-of Neutrons-here [ die ] ] ] if any? URAN238s-here [ die ] if any? Moderators-here [ set speed 1 ] ] ask Neutrons with [speed = 1] [ if any? URAN235s-here [ if (random-float 1 < 0.9 ) [ hatch-URAN236s 1 [setup-URAN236] ask one-of URAN235s-here [ die ] ask one-of Neutrons-here [ die ] ] ] ] end to decay ask URAN236s[ if (random-float 1 < 0.1 )[ hatch-neutrons 2 [setup-Neutrons] set color white hatch-DaugtherXs 1 die ] ] end
There are 2 versions of this model.
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