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; Li Ying created this module at Shaanxi Normal University in 2024. If you mention this model in a publication, we ask that you include the citations below. ;Ying, L. (2024). Precipitation Dissolution Equilibrium. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shaanxi Normal University. breed [mode8_ag_t mode8_ag] breed [mode8_cl_t mode8_cl] breed [mode8_i_t mode8_i] breed [mode8_s_t mode8_s] breed [mode8_ag2s_t mode8_ag2s] breed [mode8_agi_t mode8_agi] breed [mode8_agcl_t mode8_agcl] globals[ Ksp_agcl dissolution_flag_agcl Precipitation_flag_agcl dissolution_flag_agi Precipitation_flag_agi dissolution_flag_ag2s Precipitation_flag_ag2s y y_agcl total_cl total_i total_s ] to setup clear-all output-print " AgCl(s) <==> Ag+ (aq)+Cl- (aq)" ;设置画布颜色 ask patches with [pycor < 1] [ set pcolor sky + 4 ] ask patches with [pycor > 0] [ set pcolor white ] ;;初始化海龟 set-default-shape mode8_ag_t "ag" set-default-shape mode8_cl_t "cl" set-default-shape mode8_i_t "i" set-default-shape mode8_s_t "s" set-default-shape mode8_ag2s_t "ag2s" set-default-shape mode8_agi_t "agi" set-default-shape mode8_agcl_t "agcl" ;;初始化turtle let total-mode8_agcl_t 320 ; 总共海龟的数量 let rows 8 ; 行数 let columns 40 ; 列数 let distance-between-turtles 1 ; 海龟之间的间隔 let current-turtle 0 let row 0 while [row < rows] [ let column 0 while [column < columns] [ create-mode8_agcl_t 1 [ setxy column * distance-between-turtles row * distance-between-turtles - 24 set size 1.8 set heading 30 ; 设置海龟的朝向为右侧(0°) ] set column column + 1 set current-turtle current-turtle + 1 ] set row row + 1 ] set dissolution_flag_agcl 0 set Precipitation_flag_agcl 0 set y 0 set total_cl 13 set y_agcl -17 reset-ticks end to go set Ksp_agcl (1.77 * 10 ^ (-10)) Precipitation_dissolution_agcl Precipitation_dissolution_agi Precipitation_dissolution_ag2s ask mode8_ag_t [ ; 随机选择运动距离和角度 let distance_ag 2 ifelse (ycor > -17) and (ycor < (y - 1)) and (xcor > -19) and (xcor < 19) [ set heading random 360 ][ ; 左边墙 ifelse (xcor < -19) [ set heading 90 ][] ; 右边墙 ifelse (xcor > 19) [ set heading 270 ][] ; 下面墙 ifelse (ycor < -17) [ set heading 0 ][] ; 上面墙 ifelse (ycor > (y - 1)) [ set heading 180 ][] ; 左上角 ifelse (xcor <= -19) and (ycor >= (y - 1)) [ set heading 135 ][] ; 右上角 ifelse (xcor >= 19) and (ycor >= (y - 1)) [ set heading 315 ][] ; 左下角 ifelse (xcor <= -19) and (ycor <= -17) [ set heading 45 ][] ; 右下角 ifelse (xcor >= 19) and (ycor <= -17) [ set heading 225 ][] ] fd 1 ] ask mode8_cl_t [ ; 随机选择运动距离和角度 let distance_cl 2 ifelse (ycor > -17) and (ycor < (y - 1)) and (xcor > -19) and (xcor < 19) [ set heading random 360 ][ ; 左边墙 ifelse (xcor < -19) [ set heading 90 ][] ; 右边墙 ifelse (xcor > 19) [ set heading 270 ][] ; 下面墙 ifelse (ycor < -17) [ set heading 0 ][] ; 上面墙 ifelse (ycor > (y - 1)) [ set heading 180 ][] ; 左上角 ifelse (xcor <= -19) and (ycor >= (y - 1)) [ set heading 135 ][] ; 右上角 ifelse (xcor >= 19) and (ycor >= (y - 1)) [ set heading 315 ][] ; 左下角 ifelse (xcor <= -19) and (ycor <= -17) [ set heading 45 ][] ; 右下角 ifelse (xcor >= 19) and (ycor <= -17) [ set heading 225 ][] ] fd 1 ] ask mode8_i_t [ ; 随机选择运动距离和角度 let distance_ag 2 ifelse (ycor > -17) and (ycor < (y - 1)) and (xcor > -19) and (xcor < 19) [ set heading random 360 ][ ; 左边墙 ifelse (xcor < -19) [ set heading 90 ][] ; 右边墙 ifelse (xcor > 19) [ set heading 270 ][] ; 下面墙 ifelse (ycor < -17) [ set heading 0 ][] ; 上面墙 ifelse (ycor > (y - 1)) [ set heading 180 ][] ; 左上角 ifelse (xcor <= -19) and (ycor >= (y - 1)) [ set heading 135 ][] ; 右上角 ifelse (xcor >= 19) and (ycor >= (y - 1)) [ set heading 315 ][] ; 左下角 ifelse (xcor <= -19) and (ycor <= -17) [ set heading 45 ][] ; 右下角 ifelse (xcor >= 19) and (ycor <= -17) [ set heading 225 ][] ] fd 1 ] ask mode8_s_t [ ; 随机选择运动距离和角度 let distance_ag 2 ifelse (ycor > -17) and (ycor < (y - 1)) and (xcor > -19) and (xcor < 19) [ set heading random 360 ][ ; 左边墙 ifelse (xcor < -19) [ set heading 90 ][] ; 右边墙 ifelse (xcor > 19) [ set heading 270 ][] ; 下面墙 ifelse (ycor < -17) [ set heading 0 ][] ; 上面墙 ifelse (ycor > (y - 1)) [ set heading 180 ][] ; 左上角 ifelse (xcor <= -19) and (ycor >= (y - 1)) [ set heading 135 ][] ; 右上角 ifelse (xcor >= 19) and (ycor >= (y - 1)) [ set heading 315 ][] ; 左下角 ifelse (xcor <= -19) and (ycor <= -17) [ set heading 45 ][] ; 右下角 ifelse (xcor >= 19) and (ycor <= -17) [ set heading 225 ][] ] fd 1 ] tick end to Precipitation_dissolution_agcl ;溶解-ancl if dissolution_flag_agcl = 0[ let temp_number_agcl count mode8_ag_t let turtle_xys [] if temp_number_agcl < total_cl[ if count turtles with [breed = mode8_agcl_t and ycor = y_agcl] = 0[ set y_agcl ( y_agcl - 1) ] let mode8_agcl_t_molecule one-of turtles with [breed = mode8_agcl_t and ycor = y_agcl] ;;将一个agcl分子变成ag + cl ask mode8_agcl_t_molecule [ let xys list xcor ycor ; 创建一个包含当前乌龟坐标对的列表 set turtle_xys lput xys turtle_xys ; 将当前乌龟的坐标对添加到列表中 set breed mode8_ag_t set size 1.8 ];;创建一个cl foreach turtle_xys [ xy -> create-mode8_cl_t 1 [ setxy (item 0 xy) (item 1 xy) ; 根据坐标对生成乌龟 set size 1.8 ; 可根据需要设置乌龟颜色 ] ] ] ] ; if temp_number_agcl = total[ ; set dissolution_flag 1 ; ] ;沉淀-agcl if Precipitation_flag_agcl = 0[ if ticks mod 50 = 0 [ ask mode8_ag_t [ let meeting-mode8_cl_t mode8_cl_t in-radius 1 if count meeting-mode8_cl_t > 0 [ ; 在半径2的范围内相遇时,创建新的turtle let turtles-here-mode8_ag_t turtles with [breed = mode8_ag_t] let turtles-here-mode8_cl_t turtles with [breed = mode8_cl_t] let turtle_mode8_ag_t one-of turtles-here-mode8_ag_t in-radius 1 let turtle_mode8_cl_t one-of turtles-here-mode8_cl_t in-radius 1 if turtle_mode8_ag_t != nobody and turtle_mode8_cl_t != nobody [ if count mode8_ag_t > 2[ ask turtle_mode8_ag_t [ set breed mode8_agcl_t set size 1.8 ] ask mode8_agcl_t [ if ycor > y_agcl [ let rounded_ycor round ycor set rounded_ycor rounded_ycor - 1 set heading 30 ;; 向下移动一个单位 set ycor rounded_ycor ] ] ; 删除原来的mode8_cl_t turtle ask turtle_mode8_cl_t [ die ] ] ] ] ] ] ] end to up_T set Ksp_agcl (2150 * 10 ^ (-12)) set total_cl 46 end to add_water ;设置画布颜色 ask patches with [pycor < 14] [ set pcolor sky + 4 ] ask patches with [pycor > 13] [ set pcolor white ] set total_cl 20 end to add_NaCl create-mode8_cl_t 18 [ let random-xcor-xcor random 36 - 18 let random-ycor-ycor random -16 - 1 setxy random-xcor-xcor random-ycor-ycor set size 1.8 ; 设置海龟大小 ] set total_cl 7 end to add_KI create-mode8_i_t 20 [ let random-xcor-xcor random 36 - 18 let random-ycor-ycor random -16 - 1 setxy random-xcor-xcor random-ycor-ycor set size 1.8 ; 设置海龟大小 ] set total_i 5 set Precipitation_flag_agi 1 set dissolution_flag_agi 1 set Precipitation_flag_agcl 1 end to Precipitation_dissolution_agi if ticks mod 2 = 0 [ ;沉淀-agi if Precipitation_flag_agi = 1[ ask mode8_ag_t [ let meeting-mode8_i_t mode8_i_t in-radius 1 if count meeting-mode8_i_t > 0 [ ; 在半径2的范围内相遇时,创建新的turtle let turtles-here-mode8_ag_t turtles with [breed = mode8_ag_t] let turtles-here-mode8_i_t turtles with [breed = mode8_i_t] let turtle_mode8_ag_t one-of turtles-here-mode8_ag_t in-radius 1 let turtle_mode8_i_t one-of turtles-here-mode8_i_t in-radius 1 if turtle_mode8_ag_t != nobody and turtle_mode8_i_t != nobody [ if count mode8_ag_t > 2[ ask turtle_mode8_ag_t [ set breed mode8_agi_t set size 1.8 ] ask mode8_agi_t [ if ycor > -17 [ let rounded_ycor round ycor set rounded_ycor rounded_ycor - 1 set ycor rounded_ycor set heading 30 ;; 向下移动一个单位 ] ] ; 删除原来的mode8_i_t turtle ask turtle_mode8_i_t [ die ] ] ] ] ] ] let temp_number_agi count mode8_i_t let turtle_xys [] if temp_number_agi < total_i[ ;溶解-agi if dissolution_flag_agi = 1[ let mode8_agi_t_molecule one-of turtles with [breed = mode8_agi_t] ;;将一个agi分子变成ag + i ask mode8_agi_t_molecule [ let xys list xcor ycor ; 创建一个包含当前乌龟坐标对的列表 set turtle_xys lput xys turtle_xys ; 将当前乌龟的坐标对添加到列表中 set breed mode8_ag_t set size 1.8 ];;创建一个i foreach turtle_xys [ xy -> create-mode8_i_t 1 [ setxy (item 0 xy) (item 1 xy) ; 根据坐标对生成乌龟 set size 1.8 ; 可根据需要设置乌龟颜色 ] ] ] ] ] end to add_Na2S create-mode8_s_t 15 [ let random-xcor-xcor random 36 - 18 let random-ycor-ycor random -16 - 1 setxy random-xcor-xcor random-ycor-ycor set size 1.8 ; 设置海龟大小 ] set total_s 2 set total_i 2 set Precipitation_flag_ag2s 1 set dissolution_flag_ag2s 1 set Precipitation_flag_agi 0 set dissolution_flag_agi 1 end to Precipitation_dissolution_ag2s if ticks mod 2 = 0 [ let temp_number_ag2s count mode8_s_t let turtle_xys [] let x_temp 0 let y_temp 0 if temp_number_ag2s < total_s[ ;溶解-ag2s if dissolution_flag_ag2s = 1[ let mode8_ag2s_t_molecule one-of turtles with [breed = mode8_ag2s_t] ;;将一个ag2s分子变成2ag + s ask mode8_ag2s_t_molecule [ set x_temp xcor set y_temp ycor set breed mode8_s_t set size 1.8 print count mode8_s_t print count mode8_ag2s_t ];; create-mode8_ag_t 2 [ setxy x_temp y_temp ; 根据坐标对生成乌龟 set size 1.8 ; 可根据需要设置乌龟颜色 ] ] print temp_number_ag2s ] ;沉淀-ag2s if Precipitation_flag_ag2s = 1[ ask mode8_ag_t [ let meeting-mode8_ag_t mode8_ag_t in-radius 1 let meeting-mode8_s_t mode8_s_t in-radius 1 if count meeting-mode8_ag_t >= 2 and count meeting-mode8_s_t >= 1 [ ; 在半径2的范围内相遇时,创建新的turtle print count mode8_s_t let turtles-here-mode8_ag_t turtles with [breed = mode8_ag_t] let turtles-here-mode8_s_t turtles with [breed = mode8_s_t] let turtle_mode8_ag1_t one-of turtles-here-mode8_ag_t in-radius 1 ask turtle_mode8_ag1_t [ die ] let turtle_mode8_ag2_t one-of turtles-here-mode8_ag_t in-radius 1 ask turtle_mode8_ag2_t [ die ] let temp_mode8_s_t one-of turtles with[breed = mode8_s_t] ask temp_mode8_s_t[ set breed mode8_ag2s_t set size 1.8 ] ; ask mode8_ag2s_t [ ; if ycor > -17 [ ; let rounded_ycor round ycor ; set rounded_ycor rounded_ycor - 1 ; set ycor rounded_ycor ; set heading 30 ;; 向下移动一个单位 ; ] ; ] ] ] ] ] end
There is only one version of this model, created 9 months ago by Ying Li.
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