Bidding Market test
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This model demonstrates a very simple bidding market, where buyers and sellers try to get the best price for goods in a competitive setting.
The agents in the inner ring of represent sellers, who bring some goods they want to sell to the market. The agents in the outer ring are the buyers, who bring money to the market to buy the goods.
Each round (tick), the buyers move to their right (counter-clockwise) and are paired with a seller. Then each buyer checks its paired seller's asking price. If it's lower than their asking-price, they'll buy 1 item. If it's higher, they'll buy nothing. Then each seller individually decides to either raise prices or lower prices based on their buyer's behavior. The buyers also individually lower or raise their expectations based on their seller's behavior.
The market will run through rounds until no buyer who wants to buy an item has money left to spend, or until all items are bought.
If a purchase is made, the link from seller to buyer turns yellow and a little star animation will start. Otherwise, the link will be blue with no animation. If the transactions still take place too quickly to be noticed, the speed slider can slow the model down a bit.
As buyers get what they want, they get bigger and fill their maximum-buy-sized gray shadow. If they fully satisfy their demand, they'll turn dark grey.
Sellers start with a size based on how many items they brought to the market. As they sell items, they get smaller. If they sell all their items, they'll turn dark grey.
Press SETUP to generate a market, then the GO-ONCE button to run a single round, or the GO button to run the market until it completes.
- Initial supply and demand can be High or Low, and distributed can be even among all buyers and sellers or concentrated among a few.
- Behavior is set when SETUP is run and can be set to one of a few options (the description given is for buyers, but mirrored for sellers):
- Normal - buyers will increase their willing to pay by a small amount if they are unable to make a purchase, otherwise they'll lower their willing-to-pay if they do manage to buy an item.
- Desperate - increases the amount buyers will increase thier willing-to-pay when they fail to make a purchase.
- Random - the behavior of each buyer will be random - some will be very desperate, others might decrease the amount they're willing-to-pay when they fail to make a purchase.
- Mix of all - each buyer will be set to one of the three above behaviors randomly.
- You can also toggle whether sellers will consider full buyers or not. A full buyer is one who has already satisfied their demand. This would simulate the sellers being able to tell who is walking past their market stall without even looking at the items' prices.
Try slowing the tick speed down and watching a single buyer on the outside ring as it moves. See how it gets bigger when it makes a purchase and its link turns yellow, and how big it is when it turns completely dark grey (if it does).
Run the model multiple times with the same settings to get an idea of what's happening to the asking and buying prices over time.
Play around with the different setup options to try the following:
- Can you get to 100% of both items sold and demand satisfied? If not, how close can you get?
- What's the longest you can get a market to run for (in number of ticks)?
- What's the highest average price you can get at the end of a round?
- Sometimes the market stops when there are buyers on the outside ring who still want to purchase things (% Demand Satisfied is not 100%) and there is still money available to spend (% Money Taken is not 100%). How this can be?
It's fairly easy to add new behaviors to buyers and sellers, just adjust the chooser box with a new option, then add it in the appropriate create-ordered-sellers
or create-ordered-buyers
block in the setup procedure.
In order to try to keep the Asking Price and Buying Price plots displaying relevant information, we set the plot-y-range
manually using an update command based on the most recent average price.
Behaviors for buyers and sellers are set during setup, and we use anonymous procedures stored in turtles-own variables. This allows us to very easily execute different behavior while the market is running by just using the run
keyword with those behavior variables.
See the Simple Economy model or Sugarscape models to explore other economic concepts.
If you mention this model or the NetLogo software in a publication, we ask that you include the citations below.
For the model itself:
- Baker, J. and Wilensky, U. (2017). NetLogo Bidding Market model. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
Please cite the NetLogo software as:
- Wilensky, U. (1999). NetLogo. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
Copyright 2017 Uri Wilensky.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
Commercial licenses are also available. To inquire about commercial licenses, please contact Uri Wilensky at
Comments and Questions
globals [ ; these are setup-only variables, used to make changing the model easier min-price population sales-per-tick starting-asking-price starting-willing-to-pay amount-high amount-low ; these variables track data as the model runs avg-per-buyer avg-per-seller total-sales remaining-supply starting-money-actual ] breed [ shadows shadow ] breed [ sellers seller ] breed [ buyers buyer ] breed [ pops pop ] turtles-own [ money ; keeps track of the amount of money the turtle has next-xcor ; the x-coordinate of the next position next-ycor ; the y-coordinate of the next position percent my-shadow ; the shadow of the turtle ] sellers-own [ items-for-sale ; the quantity that the seller has to sell asking-price starting-supply behavior-after-sale ; the behavior of seller after a sale behavior-no-sale ; the behavior of the seller after a no sale sold ; the quantity that the seller has sold ] buyers-own [ want-to-buy ; the quantity the buyer wants to buy willing-to-pay starting-demand behavior-after-purchase behavior-no-purchase ; the behavior of the buyer after not buying bought ; the quantity that the buyer has bought ] to setup clear-all ; set the global variables set min-price 0.01 set population 50 set total-sales 0 set starting-asking-price 100 set starting-willing-to-pay 10 set amount-high 50 set amount-low 25 ; now create the sellers create-ordered-sellers population [ forward 8 set my-shadow nobody set money 0 set items-for-sale get-random-amount supply-distribution supply-amount set starting-supply items-for-sale set asking-price get-starting-value starting-asking-price ; we set the behavior using anonymous procedures to make the usage during the run simple ; the behavior depends on the settings of the model let mix-behavior ifelse-value seller-behavior = "mix of all" [random 3] [-1] ifelse seller-behavior = "normal" or mix-behavior = 0 [ set behavior-after-sale [ -> change-price 2.5 ] set behavior-no-sale [ hide? -> if (not hide?) [ change-price -2.0 ] ] ] [ ifelse seller-behavior = "desperate" or mix-behavior = 1 [ set behavior-after-sale [ -> change-price 0.7 ] set behavior-no-sale [ hide? -> if (not hide?) [ change-price -5.0 ] ] ] [ ; "random" or mix-behavior = 2 set behavior-after-sale [ -> change-price (random 11 - 5)] set behavior-no-sale [ -> change-price (random 11 - 5)] ] ] ] ; now create the buyers create-ordered-buyers population [ forward 13 facexy 0 0 set my-shadow nobody set want-to-buy get-random-amount demand-distribution demand-amount set starting-demand want-to-buy set money get-starting-value starting-money set willing-to-pay get-starting-value starting-willing-to-pay ; we set the behavior using anonymous procedures to make the usage during the run simple ; again, the behavior depends on the settings of the model let mix-behavior ifelse-value buyer-behavior = "mix of all" [random 3] [-1] ifelse buyer-behavior = "normal" or mix-behavior = 0 [ set behavior-after-purchase [-> change-payment -2.0 ] set behavior-no-purchase [-> change-payment 2.5 ] ] [ ifelse buyer-behavior = "desperate" or mix-behavior = 1 [ set behavior-after-purchase [-> change-payment -0.5 ] set behavior-no-purchase [-> change-payment 7.5 ] ] [ ; "random" or mix-behavior = 2 set behavior-after-purchase [-> change-payment (random 11 - 5)] set behavior-no-purchase [-> change-payment (random 11 - 5)] ] ] ] ; create a shadow for all of our turtles create-ordered-shadows population [ set color 2 ask one-of sellers with [my-shadow = nobody] [ set my-shadow myself ] ] create-ordered-shadows population [ set color 2 ask one-of buyers with [my-shadow = nobody] [ set my-shadow myself ] ] ; update our tracking variables set avg-per-buyer (sum [starting-demand] of buyers) / (count buyers) set avg-per-seller (sum [starting-supply] of sellers) / (count sellers) ask sellers [ update-seller-display ; seller shadow sizes are set at the start and do not change let shadow-size 1 + (items-for-sale / avg-per-seller) ask my-shadow [ move-to myself set heading [heading] of myself set size shadow-size ] ] ask buyers [ update-buyer-display ] set starting-money-actual sum [money] of buyers reset-ticks end to-report get-random-amount [ dist amount ] report ifelse-value dist = "even" [ 1 + random (get-amount amount) ] [ ; "concentrated" 1 + floor random-exponential ((get-amount amount) / 2) ] end to-report get-amount [ amount ] report ifelse-value amount = "high" [ amount-high ] [ ; else "low" amount-low ] end to-report get-starting-value [ starting-value ] report precision ((starting-value / 2) + random (starting-value / 2)) 2 end to go if (sum [items-for-sale] of sellers = 0 or (0 = count buyers with [money > 0 and want-to-buy > 0])) [ stop ] clear-drawing set sales-per-tick 0 ; move our buyers to their next position in the circle ; record the positions first, since if we move before processing all of them, it screws things up ask buyers [ let next ifelse-value who = (1 * population) [(2 * population) - 1] [who - 1] set next-xcor [xcor] of buyer next set next-ycor [ycor] of buyer next ] ; okay, now we can move ask buyers [ set xcor next-xcor set ycor next-ycor facexy 0 0 ] set remaining-supply (sum [items-for-sale] of sellers) let offset 1 + ticks mod population foreach (range 0 population) [ i -> let the-seller seller (population * 0 + i) let the-buyer buyer (population * 1 + ((i + offset) mod population)) ask the-buyer [ do-commerce-with the-seller ] ] ask buyers [update-buyer-display] ask sellers [update-seller-display] set total-sales (total-sales + sales-per-tick) ask pops [ ifelse (size < 0.1 or not stars?) [ die ] [ set heading (atan (random-float 0.5 - 0.25) 1) jump 0.5 set size size - 0.025 set color color - 0.25 ] ] ; sanity check if (any? buyers with [want-to-buy > 0 and willing-to-pay > money]) [ error "Cannot have turtles that want to pay more than their cash!" ] tick end to update-buyer-display if want-to-buy = 0 [ set color 2 ] set size 1 + (bought / avg-per-buyer) let shadow-size 1 + (want-to-buy / avg-per-buyer) ask my-shadow [ move-to myself set heading [heading] of myself set size shadow-size ] end to update-seller-display if items-for-sale = 0 [ set color 2 ] set size 1 + (items-for-sale / avg-per-seller) end to do-commerce-with [ the-seller ] let asking [asking-price] of the-seller ifelse ([items-for-sale] of the-seller > 0 and want-to-buy > 0 and asking <= money and asking <= willing-to-pay) [ create-link the-seller self yellow set sales-per-tick (sales-per-tick + 1) set want-to-buy (want-to-buy - 1) let price asking set money precision (money - price) 2 set money ifelse-value money < min-price [0] [money] set bought (bought + 1) ask the-seller [ set items-for-sale (items-for-sale - 1) set money precision (money + price) 2 set sold (sold + 1) run behavior-after-sale ] run behavior-after-purchase create-star ] [ ; else no purchase was made create-link the-seller self blue let hide? (sellers-ignore-full-buyers? and (want-to-buy = 0)) ask the-seller [ (run behavior-no-sale hide?) ] run behavior-no-purchase ] end to create-star if stars? [ hatch-pops 1 [ set color yellow set shape "star" set size 0.5 set label "" ] ] end to create-link [ some-seller some-buyer some-color ] ask some-seller [ let oc color let x xcor let y ycor set color some-color set pen-size 3 pen-down move-to some-buyer pen-up setxy x y set color oc ] end to change-price [ change ] let before asking-price set percent 1 + (change / 100) set asking-price check-for-min-price (precision (percent * asking-price) 2) if before = asking-price [ if change < 0 and before != min-price [ set asking-price precision (asking-price - min-price) 2 ] if change > 0 [ set asking-price precision (asking-price + min-price) 2 ] ] end to change-payment [ change ] let before willing-to-pay set percent 1 + (change / 100) set willing-to-pay check-for-min-price (precision (percent * willing-to-pay) 2) if before = willing-to-pay [ if change < 0 and before != min-price [ set willing-to-pay precision (willing-to-pay - min-price) 2 ] if change > 0 [ set willing-to-pay precision (willing-to-pay + min-price) 2 ] ] if willing-to-pay > money [ set willing-to-pay money ] end to-report seller-cash report sum [money] of sellers end to-report average-price report (ifelse-value total-sales = 0 [ 0.00 ] [ precision (seller-cash / total-sales) 2 ]) end to-report percent-money-taken report 100 * sum [money] of sellers / starting-money-actual end to-report percent-items-sold report 100 * sum [sold] of sellers / sum [items-for-sale + sold] of sellers end to-report percent-demand-satisfied report 100 * sum [bought] of buyers / sum [want-to-buy + bought] of buyers end to-report check-for-min-price [ value ] report precision ifelse-value value < min-price [min-price] [value] 2 end ; Copyright 2017 Uri Wilensky. ; See Info tab for full copyright and license.
There is only one version of this model, created 3 months ago by Yasar Dipcin.
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Bidding Market test.png | preview | Preview for 'Bidding Market test' | 3 months ago, by Yasar Dipcin | Download |
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