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Romeo_lorena_001 Lorena ROMEO (Author)


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This model simulates one season of the pollination process of apple trees by bees. It explores how many bees are needed to effectively fertilize apple trees so that apples can grow.

For a single apple tree, having 5-10 active bees visiting throughout the day can usually suffice. However, in an orchard, one hive per acre is the general guideline for effective pollination.

Factors Influencing Pollination Weather: Cold, rainy, or windy weather can reduce bee activity. Competing Flowers: Other blooming flowers nearby might distract bees from the apple flowers.

Factors Influencing Pollination: Weather: Cold, rainy, or windy weather can reduce bee activity. Competing Flowers: Other blooming flowers nearby might distract bees from the apple flowers. In this model we study honeybees that are the most common pollinators, but not to be forget are bumblebees and solitary bees that are also very effective.


The randomized positions of trees and flowers and pesticides can give very different results launching the simulation several times with the same settings. However the general trends are that fewer bees with less trees tends to have more difficult to survive. Grass flowers distracts the bees from tree pollination so the time to pollinate will be longer the more grass flowers we add. Add trees will make the colony grow exponentially. Add pesticides, specially when more than 5, can give very drastic results.


The model uses agents (bees, trees, flowers, hives, and weather) to simulate the pollination process. Bees move around the environment, visiting flowers and trees. When a bee visits a flower, it increases the flower's visit count and the flower becomes blue. When a bee visits a tree, it increases the tree's visited flower count. Trees change color to yellow when all their flowers have been visited, indicating full pollination. The generation of new bees depends on the tree pollination. New bees span every time that a tree is fully pollinated, simulating the food resourcing of the bees. The new bees are generated with a red head in order to differenciate them from the original bees. The model also simulates the effects of pesticides of 3 levels of toxicity on bees, which can reduce their lifespan and affect their behavior. The weather also has an impact on the behavior of the bees. When it's sunny no effects on bees, when it's cloudy they are slower with less pollination, and when it's stormy they do not move with no pollination.


Setup: Click the setup button to initialize the model. This creates bees, trees, flowers, and a hive. Go: Click the go button to start the simulation. Bees will begin moving, visiting flowers, and pollinating trees. Sliders: Adjust the number of bees (num-bees), trees (num-trees), flowers (num-flowers), pesticides (num-pesticides) and pesticides toxicity (toxicity-level) using the sliders. Click setup after using the sliders. The model will update accordingly. Weather: The weather changes every 100 ticks, affecting bee movement.


Observe how bees interact with flowers and trees, thanks also to the monitors on total bees, visited flowers of trees, weather and visited flowers plot. Notice the change in tree color when all flowers on a tree have been visited. Watch how the weather affects bee movement and activity. Pay attention to the impact of pesticides on bee lifespan and behavior.


Increase or decrease the number of bees and observe the effect on pollination efficiency. Adjust the number of trees and flowers to see how it impacts the pollination process. Introduce pesticides and observe their impact on bee behavior and lifespan. Experiment with different pesticides toxicity levels to see how they affect bee activity.


Introduce night and day patterns. Add more detailed behaviors for bees, such as returning to the hive after a certain number of visits or during the night. Implement different types of flowers with varying attractiveness to bees. Introduce more complex weather patterns, such as temperature and seasonality, and their effects on bee activity. Add more detailed pesticide effects, such as less toxic during the night while bees are in the hive. Add predators or parasites agents that can impact bees activity such as Varroa destructor. Add new hives once a colony is complete and need to split. Add various stages of pollination in a tree to monitor the ongoing pollination status.


The model uses breeds to define different types of agents (bees, trees, flowers, hives, and weather displays). The ask command is used extensively to control agent behavior. The model uses patch colors to represent different pesticide levels. The hatch command is used to generate new bees. The stormy turtle has bee created from scratch since it was not available in the library. Some colors have been customised using custom rgb color model.


This model has bee created from scratch based on my research on bees pollination.


This model was created to explore the pollination process of apple trees by bees. For more information on bee pollination and its importance, refer to resources on agricultural science and entomology.

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Click to Run Model

breed [bees bee]
breed [trees tree]
breed [flowers flower]
breed [hives hive]
breed [weather-displays weather-display]

bees-own [visited-flowers pesticide-timer toxicity life-timer]
trees-own [flower-count visited-flowers bees-generated]
hives-own [weather]

to setup
  ask patches [
    set pcolor rgb 34 139 34
  ;; Add random toxic patches if pesticides are present
  if num-pesticides > 0 [
    add-random-toxic-patches num-pesticides

to go
  let max-ticks 5000 ;; lenght of 1 pollination season
  ;; Reset pesticide effects if no pesticides are present
  if num-pesticides = 0 [
    ask bees [
      set pesticide-timer 0
      set toxicity "none"

  ;; Stop the simulation if all tree flowers are visited or max ticks reached (end of season)
  if all-tree-flowers-visited? or ticks >= max-ticks [

  ;; Bees perform their actions
  ask bees [

  ;; Trees check if they are fully visited
  ask trees [

  ;; Change weather every 100 ticks
  ask hives [
    if ticks mod 100 = 0 [
      set weather one-of ["sunny" "cloudy" "stormy"]

to create-agents
  ;; Create bees with initial properties
  create-bees num-bees
    set shape "bee"
    set size 0.5
    set color yellow
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set visited-flowers []  ;; Start with an empty list of visited flowers
    set pesticide-timer 0
    set toxicity "none"
    set life-timer 1000 + random 1000

  ;; Create trees with initial properties
  create-trees num-trees [
    set shape "tree"
    set color green
    set size 3
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set flower-count 10 + random 10
    set visited-flowers 0
    set bees-generated false

  ;; Create flowers with initial properties
  create-flowers num-flowers [
    set shape "flower"
    set color red
    set size 0.7
    set visit-count 0
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor

to setup-hive
  ;; Create a hive with initial properties
  create-hives 1 [
    set shape "hex"
    set size 2.5
    set color rgb 255 223 0
    setxy max-pxcor - 1 min-pycor + 1
    set label "Hive"
    set label-color white
    set weather "sunny"

to generate-bees [num]
  ask hives [
    ;; Generate new bees with specific properties
    hatch-bees 5 [
      set shape "bee"
      set size 0.5
      set color red
      setxy xcor ycor
      set visited-flowers []  ;; Start with an empty list of visited flowers
      set pesticide-timer 0
      set toxicity "none"
      set life-timer 1000 + random 1000
      set label ""

to move
  let selected-hive one-of hives
  let current-weather [weather] of selected-hive

  ;; Bees move differently based on weather and pesticides
  if current-weather = "sunny" [
    if pesticide-timer > 0 [
      right random 360
      if toxicity = "low" [ fd 0.7 + random-float 0.2 ] ;; low speed reduction
      if toxicity = "medium" [ fd 0.5 + random-float 0.2 ] ;; medium speed reduction
      if toxicity = "high" [ fd 0.2 + random-float 0.1 ] ;; high speed reduction
    if pesticide-timer = 0 [
      right random 360
      forward 0.8 + random-float 0.4

  if current-weather = "cloudy" [
    if pesticide-timer > 0 [
      right random 360
      if toxicity = "low" [ fd 0.7 + random-float 0.2 ] ;; low speed reduction
      if toxicity = "medium" [ fd 0.5 + random-float 0.2 ] ;; medium speed reduction
      if toxicity = "high" [ fd 0.2 + random-float 0.1 ] ;; high speed reduction
    if pesticide-timer = 0 [
      right random 360
      forward 0.6 + random-float 0.3

  if current-weather = "stormy" [
    forward 0 ;; Stop moving during the storm

;; Bees visit and interact with nearby flowers

to visit-flowers
  let nearby-flower one-of flowers in-radius 1
  if nearby-flower != nobody [
    ask nearby-flower [
      set visit-count visit-count + 1
      if visit-count >= 5 [
        set color blue  ;; Change flower color when fully visited

;; Bees pollinate trees if they are on the same patch

to pollinate-trees
  if pesticide-timer > 0 [
    if toxicity = "low" [ if random-float 1 < 0.8 [stop] ;;80% chance to pollinate, 20% chance to stop
    if toxicity = "medium" [ if random-float 1 < 0.5 [stop] ;;50% chance to pollinate, 50% chance to stop
    if toxicity = "high" [ if random-float 1 < 0.2 [stop] ;;20% chance to pollinate, 80% chance to stop

  if pesticide-timer = 0 [
  let tree-here one-of trees-here
  if tree-here != nobody [
    ask tree-here [
      if visited-flowers < flower-count [
        set visited-flowers visited-flowers + 1

to check-if-fully-visited
  ;; Change tree color if all flowers have been visited
  if visited-flowers >= flower-count and not bees-generated [
    set color yellow  ;; Change color to indicate full pollination
    set bees-generated true  ;; Mark that bees have been generated
    ask hives [
      generate-bees 1  ;; Command to generate bees when the tree is fully visited

to-report all-tree-flowers-visited?
  report sum [visited-flowers] of trees >= sum [flower-count] of trees

;; Add random patches of pesticides of different toxicity level using the slider

to add-random-toxic-patches [pesticides]
  repeat pesticides [
    let random-patch one-of patches with [pcolor = rgb 34 139 34]
    ask random-patch [
      if toxicity-level = 1 [ set pcolor pink ]
      if toxicity-level = 2 [ set pcolor orange ]
      if toxicity-level = 3 [ set pcolor red ]

to check-pesticide
  if num-pesticides = 0 [
    set pesticide-timer 0
    set toxicity "none"
  if pcolor = pink [
    set pesticide-timer 2000 ;; Set pesticide timer for low toxicity
    set toxicity "low"
  if pcolor = orange [
    set pesticide-timer 2000 ;; Set pesticide timer for medium toxicity
    set toxicity "medium"
  if pcolor = red [
    set pesticide-timer 2000 ;; Set pesticide timer for high toxicity
    set toxicity "high"

to age
  if pesticide-timer > 0 [
    set pesticide-timer pesticide-timer - 1
    ;; Gradually penalize life-timer based on toxicity level
    if toxicity = "low" [
      set life-timer max (list 0 (life-timer - 0.1))
    if toxicity = "medium" [
      set life-timer max (list 0 (life-timer - 0.3))
    if toxicity = "high" [
      set life-timer max (list 0 (life-timer - 0.5))

  ;; Regular aging
  set life-timer life-timer - 0.87
  if life-timer <= 0 [

to create-weather-display
  create-weather-displays 1 [
    set shape "sun"  ;; Initial shape, will change based on weather
    set size 3
    set color rgb 255 165 0
    setxy (max-pxcor - 2) (max-pycor - 2)

to assign-weather-shape
  let selected-hive one-of hives
  let current-weather [weather] of selected-hive

 ;; Update the shape of the weather display
 ask weather-displays [
    if current-weather = "sunny" [
      set shape "sun"
      set color rgb 255 165 0
      setxy (max-pxcor - 2) (max-pycor - 2)
    if current-weather = "cloudy" [
      set shape "cloud"
      set color grey
      setxy (max-pxcor - 2) (max-pycor - 2)
    if current-weather = "stormy" [
      set shape "storm"
      set color grey
      ;;set size 6
      setxy (max-pxcor - 2) (max-pycor - 2)

There is only one version of this model, created 4 days ago by Lorena ROMEO.

Attached files

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bees_pollination_simulation.png preview Preview for 'bees_pollination_simulation' 4 days ago, by Lorena ROMEO Download

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